
  • 网络wound cavity
  1. 前言:目的:通过自体骨膜移植探讨颌骨囊肿术后创腔的修复效果。

    Objective : To investigate the repairing effect of autoperiosteum transplantation in treating wound cavity after jawbone cyst operation .

  2. 真空密封术治疗感染性创腔(面)81例

    Treatment of 81 cases of infectious wounds with vacuum sealing technique

  3. 创腔(面)面积缩小27%。

    And the area of wounds decreased by 27 % .

  4. 本文是对淮剧陈派创腔的研究。

    This thesis researches on creating the aria of Chen genre of Huai opera .

  5. 结果81例创腔(面)全部治愈。

    Results All 81 wounds were cured .

  6. 移植骨为创腔的愈合起到了桥梁和诱导新骨形成的作用。

    The transplanted bone served as bone bridge , and induced the formation of new bone .

  7. 结论负压烟卷引流对腹膜外创腔疗效最好。

    Conclusions The effect of negative pressure cigarette - shape drainage is the best to the externed peritoneum large incision .

  8. 演员创腔,体现的是中国民间音乐与传统戏曲音乐的创作方式与手法。

    The composition of performer embodies the way and technique of creation of Chinese folk music and traditional Chinese opera music .

  9. 观察两组在创腔积液及术后病乳外形方面的差异。

    The differences in quantity of hydrops in cavity of wound and the feature of operated breast between the two groups were observed .

  10. 再次从金湖秧歌的体裁样式特点、基本曲调、创腔手法及音乐形式特征这几个要点出发,研究了金湖秧歌的音乐特色;

    Secondly , analyzed the music characteristic of The JinHu seedling song on types design , basic melody , achieve tactics and form characteristic of the music .

  11. 本文从多学科的视角分析歌仔戏唱腔音乐,以期更客观地认识、把握歌仔戏这一特殊戏曲剧种音乐的创腔规律。

    The thesis analyzes the music of Gezi Opera using the multi-subjects viewing angle , and aims to understand and grasp the law of Gezi Opera 's music more objectively .

  12. 方法:将已配制的生物蛋白胶涂在骨创腔表面,以达到止血封闭缺损组织和促进创口愈合等。

    Methods : Distribute FG on the surface of the wound space of the bone to get the possible effects of hematischesis , block defective tissue and the healing of wound etc.

  13. 方法单臂外固定架固定,根据伤情应用显微外科方法初期或延期闭合创腔,修复骨、软骨及神经血管的损伤及缺损。

    Methods The traumatic extremities were fixed with the single arm external fixation , and according to the condition to close the wound earlier or later , the injury and defect of the bone , cartilage , nerves and the vessels were repaired .

  14. 结果:治疗组较对照组创腔积液明显减少,病人的病乳外形良好,两组比较,有极显著性差异(P<001)。

    Results : The quantity of dropsy ( hydrops ) in cavity of wound in the control group was obviously less than that in the treatment group and breast contour was better with marked differences between the two groups ( P < 0 01 ) in both hands .

  15. 方法:将早期乳腺癌病人随机分成两组,一组行保乳根治术(对照组),另一组在此基础上加胸大肌肌瓣填充创腔(治疗组)。

    Methods : Early breast cancer patients were randomly divided into two groups , one group ( control ) undergoing radical operation of mastocarcinoma with preservation of breast and the other ( treatment ) receiving pectoralis major muscle flap to fill up cavity of wound on this basis .