
  1. CS管理中的设计管理实施CRM&为企业创造价值

    Design management in customer satisfaction management Implementing CRM to Manage Customer Relationship

  2. 本文研究表明:基于VaR的动态风险管理模型能有效地监控证券投资基金所面临的市场风险,动态风险管理能够创造价值。

    The essay indicates that the dynamic risk management can create value and its model , based on VaR , can provide an effective control upon the risk of security investment foundation .

  3. 这样可以使DBA避开安装和设置活动,加速创造价值的进程,腾出DBA资源来关注可以提供竞争优势的活动。

    This allows DBAs to bypass install and setup activities , reducing time to value and thus freeing up DBA resources to focus on activities that can provide competitive advantage .

  4. 一旦您的公司讨论使用该标准或者要实现身份管理,您就可以利用对SPML的认识和了解来创造价值。

    Whenever your organization discusses or implements identity management , you can draw upon your knowledge and understanding of SPML to add value .

  5. 价值基础管理(VBM)强调公司的一切行为均应服从为股东创造价值的最高准则。

    Value - based management ( VBM ) emphasizes that all actions of a business should obey the target : Maximize the shareholders ' value .

  6. 生态产业链(Eco-industrialchain,EIC)是生态工业园(Eco-industrialpark,EIP)中各企业为降低企业责任风险,通过科层、市场和网络协调机制配置资源、创造价值的重要载体。

    Eco-industrial chain ( EIC ) is an important carrier for the enterprises in the eco-industrial park to reduce the risk of environmental liability , allocate resources and create value through the bureaucracy , market and network coordination mechanism .

  7. 本文旨在以EVA的业绩评价方法解释恒隆地产采用价值投资理念长期持有投资性物业,为股东等企业利益相关者群体创造价值、获取回报的原因所在。

    In this thesis we aims to use EVA performance evaluation methods to explain the real value of Hang Lung Properties who has a long-term investment philosophy of holding investment property and can always create business value for shareholders and other related groups .

  8. 资质验证了我们的实力:YPEC能够按照国际、国内规范和技术标准建设和管理一流的工程项目,为业主创造价值。

    Qualification proves our ability : YPEC could , as per the international and national specifications and standards , build and manage the first-class project , create values for clients .

  9. 不过,英美资源集团首席执行官辛西娅卡罗尔(CynthiaCarroll)自2月份减少股息后,就一直面临为股东创造价值的巨大压力。减少股息的举措令该公司核心业务所在地南非的股东感到尤其愤怒。

    However , Cynthia Carroll , Anglo 's chief executive , has been under fierce pressure to create value for shareholders since cutting Anglo 's dividend in February , a move that especially infuriated shareholders in South Africa , where it has the core of its operations .

  10. 企业宗旨:智慧创造价值,品质成就梦想!

    Enterprise slogan : Wisdom creates value ; Quality accomplishes dreams !

  11. 十年风雨艰辛拼搏,国泰实力创造价值。

    Decade rain hard struggle , Cathay strength to create value .

  12. 企业使命:创造价值,奉献社会!

    Enterprise mission : to create value , contributing to society !

  13. 物化劳动与活劳动共同创造价值的论证

    On the Value-creation by Both Material Transformation Labour and Living Labour

  14. 多元化战略与归核化战略究竟哪一种更能为企业创造价值?

    Which strategic is better for the value of the firm ?

  15. 并购是否为公司创造价值一直是学者们争论的焦点。

    The focus of scholars debate is whether merger create value .

  16. 减少腐败将创造价值,减少不道德行为。

    Cutting corruption will create value , reducing unethical behaviour .

  17. 并购重组是否创造价值?&中国证券市场的理论与实证研究

    Do Mergers and Acquisitions Create Value : Evidence from Chinese Listed Companies

  18. 基金投资崇尚研究发现价值投资创造价值,开放式基金在稳定证券市场,推行价值投资理念方面起到了举足轻重的作用。

    Funds investment advocates that study finds value while investment makes value .

  19. 优化的业务流程可以创造价值和提升效益。

    Optimizing service process can improve the hospital 's benefits .

  20. 微观劳动创造价值的方法选择及其准则

    On the Alternative Methods and the Rules of Value Produced by Micro-Labor

  21. 为客户节约成本,提升效率,创造价值。

    For clients to save cost and improve the efficiency , create value .

  22. 企业中创造价值的基本单元是业务流程。

    The fundamental unit of value creation in an organization is a process .

  23. 以此为标准,纯粹的服务不是生产劳动,不创造价值。

    According to this , pure service does not belong to productive labor .

  24. 城市竞争力是城市产业创造价值的综合能力。

    Urban competitiveness is the ability of urban industries to earn the income .

  25. 教育改变人生,教育创造价值!

    Education change life , Education make profit !

  26. 沟通客户,真诚服务,超越自我,创造价值。

    Communicate with customer , provide sincere service , Exceed ourself , Create value .

  27. 价值的源泉是指劳动创造价值和生产要素带来价值。

    The source of value is that labor create value and factors-of-production bring interests .

  28. 如何利用企业外部资源创造价值,成为大家所关注的重点。

    People are focusing on how to use the external resources to create value .

  29. 该文对中国企业家创造价值评估的因素、模式、估价方法及企业家创造价值的价值构成与相关的评估支持系统进行了探析。

    This article further discussed the valuation approach and support system concerning this question .

  30. 你要主动寻找能用激情创造价值的机会。

    You need to actively look for opportunities to create value with your passions .