
xiāo shòu zhé kòu
  • Sales discount;discount on sales
  1. 销售折扣与销售折让的账务处理

    Accounting Process Related to Discountable Sale and Sale Followed by Compensation

  2. 关于销售折扣账务处理的案例分析

    A Case Study of Sales Discount in Accounting Treatment

  3. 在公司分店收银机处理销售折扣?

    Processing sales discounts at the outlet registers ?

  4. 有否妥善记录所有销售折扣?

    Are all sales discounts properly recorded ?

  5. 减:销售折扣与折让

    Deduct : Sales Discount Allowance

  6. 这大概是个好主意,载有一页的所有物品及特殊销售折扣,然后再进行公正的每周赛事。

    It is probably a good idea to have one page containing all of the discounted items and special sales and then another for just the weekly events .

  7. 扣除销售折扣、回扣、退货、佣金、间接税、保险费、运费、包装费

    " without any deduction other than such expenses and charges as sales discounts , rebates , returns , commissions , indirect taxes , insurance premiums , freights , packing expenses , transportation charges "

  8. 在其本土市场,groupon销售高折扣的商品和服务,自己留存售价的一半。

    In its home market , Groupon sells deeply discounted coupons for goods and services , keeping half the cost of each coupon sold .

  9. 到你打算购物的商店去应聘的话,你还可以销售员工折扣,但是不要限定了你自己。

    Apply at stores where you plan on shopping to take advantage of the employee discounts , but don 't limit yourself .

  10. 缓慢发展的经济,飚升的油价,加上失败的销售使折扣零售商沃尔玛的销售额逐渐落后于对手,比如折扣零售商塔吉特。

    The discount retailer , struggling with a slowing economy and higher gasoline prices as well as merchandising mishaps , has seen its sales lag behind rivals like Target Corp.

  11. 市场总监-采取的销售策略、特殊折扣情况等。

    Director of Marketing on the sales trips undertaken , special discounts etc.

  12. 考虑需求价格弹性的销售电价帕累托优化折扣

    Pareto optimization on electricity price discount considering demand price elasticity

  13. 这些汽车制造商还在其它领域取得了进展,例如调整了汽车租赁销售,完善了折扣规定,并进行了财务重组。

    Carmakers had also made progress in other areas , such as revamping car rental sales , improving their discounting discipline and financial restructuring .

  14. 从而在增加交易规模、利润和成交率的同时缩短销售周期,减少折扣和资源使用。

    The end goal is to increase average heal size , margins and close rather while reducing sales cycles , discounting and resource usage .

  15. 第七条销售商品涉及商业折扣的,应当按照扣除商业折扣后的金额确定销售商品收入金额。

    Article7If any trade discount in selling goods is concerned , the revenue incurred by selling goods shall be ascertained in accordance with the amount after the deduction of the trade discount .

  16. 群组购买是指多个消费者在交易中合作,形成联盟进行批量的购买,以使销售商进行折扣销售,从而获得折扣。

    Group buying means that in order to obtain certain goods at a discount price , multiple consumers cooperate with each other in forming a coalition and acting as one when doing shopping .

  17. 第四十六条销售退回、销售折让和销售折扣,应作为营业收入的抵减项目记帐。

    Article 46 Return of sales , sales allowances and sales discount shall be accounted for as deduction item of operating revenue .