
  • 网络sale promotion;Sales & Marketing
  1. “天威广告品牌”将继续致力于客户VI形象打造及推广、市场推广、销售推广;

    " Tianwei brand advertising ," customers will continue to work to create and promote the image of VI , marketing , sales promotion ;

  2. 在销售推广初级阶段,你们必须想尽一切办法克服销售困难。

    436.At the beginning of the sales promotion you have to try every means to overcome sales difficulties .

  3. 阐述在BB肥生产、标准制定、销售推广等环节存在的一些认识误区,指出BB肥应与测土配方施肥相结合,发挥自身优势;

    A few misunderstandings to BB fertilizer on production , standard , sale and popularization stages are discussed ;

  4. 根据公司目标进行销售推广。

    Following company 's target to promote sales .

  5. 我认为我的教育背景和在市场营销方面所获得的一些实际经验,将使我能够为贵公司的销售推广做出贡献。

    I think my educational background and some actual experience in marketing will enable me to offer services for your sales promotion .

  6. 大多数时候,实习生的工资都很低,干一些乏味琐碎的低层次工作,如销售推广。

    Most of the time , the positions on offer are low paid , menial or trivial jobs , such as sales promotion , said Jiang .

  7. 设计师在进行创造力发挥的同时也需要工程设计、资金投入、模具生产与销售推广等方面的配合。

    The designers exert their creativity on the products as well as they need to concern a lot of things and support from the other departments of a company , such as engineering design , tooling manufacture , sales & market promotions .

  8. 她从事销售和推广工作。

    She works in sales and promotion .

  9. 主在负责涡流EDDY品牌产品中国地区销售同推广和各地区代理商及经销商的发展。

    Star is in charge of the sales of EDDY , including promotion , developing agents and distributors .

  10. 本文所涉及的知识服务是指将知识资产转化成知识产品及服务,通过Internet对知识产品和服务加以销售和推广,并且在同用户进行交互的过程中,基于知识为用户提供服务。

    The promising field aims at turning knowledge assets into knowledge products and services , delivering them over the Internet , and providing the knowledge-based services through the interactions with clients .

  11. DETON及HOUS是公司目前代理的二大品牌,并负责其在中国的销售与推广。

    DETON and HOUS are two main acting trademarks of our company , we take charge of selling and extending them .

  12. 美国企业负责运输、销售和推广这些中国商品。

    U.S. businesses transport , sell and market those Chinese goods .

  13. 史密斯先生负责产品的销售与推广。

    Mr Smith takes care of marketing and publicity .

  14. 主要负责指定区域内电气保护产品的销售和推广;

    Mainly in charge of sales & Technical support for electric system protection ;

  15. 注重采用新的销售和推广技巧来推销产品是20世纪80年代的主要内容。

    The focus on adopting new sales and marketing techniques to promote products dominated the1980s .

  16. 注重采用新的销售和推广技巧来推销产品是是20世纪80年代的主要内容。

    The focus on adopting new sales and marketing techniques to promote products dominated the 1980s .

  17. 注于国际著名品牌半导体元器件在亚太地区的代理销售和推广。

    Note semiconductor components in the international famous brand in the Asia Pacific region sales and marketing agent .

  18. 这是一项宝贵而有效地提高了公司的销售和推广。

    Since then , our company has made remarkable progress and achievement in the technology and promotion and sales .

  19. 零售商们出售他们的钱投资于游戏,所以他们有动力,积极销售和推广。

    Retailers have money invested in the games they sell , so they have an incentive to actively sell and promote them .

  20. 公司如果能够控制这一过程,创造从营销漏斗到电子商厦的便捷、快速的旅程,就能降低销售和推广成本,同时增加销售量。

    Companies that can control that journey , creating easier and faster trips down the marketing funnel to the digital mall , will lower sales and marketing costs and boost sales volumes .

  21. 继生产主导、销售和推广主导后,企业已经迈入顾客要求主导的时代,客户关系管理将是21世纪一流企业的核心竞争力之一。

    After the period of production-dominance , marketing-dominance and promotion-orientation , enterprises have already entered the customer age , and CRM ( Customer Relationship Management ) will become one of the core competitiveness of the first-class enterprises in the 21st century .

  22. 随着关系销售理念的推广,客户关系管理(CustomerRelationshipManagementCRM)在银行中的应用越来越广泛。

    With the promotion of the concept of relationship marketing , customer relationship management ( Customer Relationship Management CRM ) applications in the enterprise more and more widely .

  23. 西北区域Getac产品销售及市场推广。

    Northwest area Getac product sale and marketing .

  24. 新加坡的HBO亚洲分部将为梦工厂频道提高衍生产品销售、市场推广和技术支持。

    HBO Asia , based in Singapore , will manage affiliate sales , marketing and technical services for the DreamWorks Channel , which could be introduced to audiences as soon as June of next year , the studio said .

  25. 从1月16日起,在所有的销售文件及推广材料中,发行方均须在产品名称后加上号,并附注此基金为一只合成ETF,以标明产品的合成属性。

    From January 16 , issuers will have to flag the synthetic nature of the product in all sales and marketing material by use of an asterisk next to the name and the annotation This is a synthetic ETF .

  26. 主要负责公司的市场销售,技术推广。

    Primarily responsible for the company 's sales and marketing , technology promotion .

  27. 基本上是除了销售和市场推广之外的一切工作。

    Basically , everything but sales and marketing .

  28. 坎米达纳韦是任天堂美国公司的销售及市场推广执行副总裁。

    Cammie Dunaway is Nintendo of America 's executive vice president of sales & marketing .

  29. 直升机和喷气式飞机的销售和市场推广,以及零件销售。

    Sales and Marketing of Pre-Owned Helicopters and Turbine Aircraft . Engine and Aircraft parts Sales .

  30. 发现并解决在产品销售及市场推广过程中的难点及问题。

    Ability to find and solve the problems arising from sales performance to ensure a good sales result .