
  • 网络Sales Psychology;The Psychology of Selling
  1. 他写了一本书,字名是“销售心理学”&旨在帮助人们成为顶端的20%。

    He has written a book titled " The Psychology of Selling ," which aims to help people become part of the top20 percent .

  2. 1986年,乔治·达德利和香农·古德森就撰写过一本名为《排斥电话销售心理学》的书籍。

    George Dudley and Shannon Goodson wrote The Psychology of Sales Call Reluctance in 1986 .

  3. 今天完成了两天的讲解课程,终于明白了网上生意流程,如;如何寻找产品,销售心理学,更让我知道网上还能创造多种的收入。希望在互联网上找到自己的事业。

    Having now gone through this program , I now better understand the concept and the various ways of how to get the best out of Internet marketing possible , with no understanding it previously .

  4. 我曾经遇到过一位董事长,在对准员工进行培训时他反复强调他可以传授专用于销售的心理学。

    Once I met a director , who tried his best to persuade his would-be employees that he will teach them psychology for selling their products to consumers .