
  • 网络Advertising review system;advertisement censoring system
  1. 因此,本文的最后谈到了建立严格广告审查制度、建立广告诚信档案以及针对虚假广告建立悬赏举报制度等监管制度的建立。

    So , this chapter ends with the setting up of the restrict advertisement review system , credit documents for advertisements and some other supervisory systems to the deceptive advertisements .

  2. 如完善广告审查制度;建立虚假广告代言人的黑名单制度,对黑名单代言人予以封杀,禁止刊登、播放其代言的广告。

    Such as improving advertising review system ; create a blacklist system for false advertising spokesmen , spokesperson of the blacklist to be " blocked " to prohibit the publication or broadcasting of its endorsement of the ads.

  3. 同时要完善我国的广告审查与监管制度,对于拟播放的广告要进行事先审查,既审查广告形式又审查广告内容,只有审查合格的广告才可以在相关的电视台进行播放。

    At the same time , we should perfect our advertisement examination and supervision system , all the advertisement should be checked before aired , check both form and content of advertisement , only qualified advertisement can broadcast in the television .

  4. 对招聘广告进行发布前的审查可以从源头上预防歧视,所以文章先对境外广告审查制度比较完善的国家进行了比较。

    Examine of the beforehand could prevent the discrimination from the source . Article compared the outside borders that who have a relatively complete national review system .

  5. 首先是从立法角度上,建议完善《广告法》的相关规定,填补我国法律的空白,借鉴国外经验大力推进我国公益诉讼制度并完善广告的审查制度。

    The first is from the legislative point of view , proposed to improve the " Advertising Law " the relevant provisions , to fill gaps in our laws , and vigorously promote foreign experiences and improve our public interest litigation advertising censorship .