
  • 网络Advertisement;ADVERTISING;ad serving
  1. 在此基础上,以一个广告投放案例为背景,说明如何利用Excel表格及其规划求解器解决管理决策中的问题。

    In the end , basing on a typical case of advertisement putting on , a good introduction of how to use EXCEL to solve problems in management decision-making is presented .

  2. 中国男性时尚杂志广告投放现状与趋势分析

    Analysis of present situation and trend of advertisement of male magazine in China

  3. 网络环境下的广告投放Vague决策模型研究

    Research on the Vague Decision Model of Network Advertising

  4. 加入WTO对中国电视广告投放的影响

    The Effect of China 's Entering WTO on the China 's Advertising Put-In on the TV Advertising Markets in China

  5. Facebook也说,已经开始将商家的广告投放到ZyngaInc.的游戏上。

    Facebook also said it began placing messages from advertisers on game site Zynga Inc.

  6. 毒霸三分天下&2001年杀毒软件产品广告投放简析网络防毒软件在电厂MIS中的应用

    The three main servers in Chinese anti virus software market Application on the management information system of power plant for the network protect virus software

  7. 要向成功进行PPC竞价取决于你的积极性以及对广告投放的总预算。

    Bidding Your PPC success is controlled by your willingness to bid and budget the amount for an ad placement .

  8. 和百度相对的另一类广告投放渠道是新浪(SinaCorp.)等门户网站。新浪的客户群相对集中,2011年其在中国只有860名客户。

    At the other end of the spectrum are portals like Sina Corp. Sina has a concentrated client base , with just 860 customers in China in 2011 .

  9. 定向广告投放公司simulmedia使用尼尔森(nielsen)和kantarmedia的数据发现,四分之三以上的电视广告只被18-24岁成年人中的20%观看过。

    Using figures from Nielsen and Kantar media , ad targeting company simulmedia has found that more than three-quarters of TV ads are viewed by just 20 per cent of 18 to 24-year-old adults .

  10. 将通过这些海量数据的处理,进而挖掘用户的行为特征、用户属性和广告投放属性。

    We process these mass data , and mine user behavior .

  11. 电子商务网站广告投放切换模型及其鲁棒控制

    Switching Model for Scheduled Advertisements on E-commerce Website and Robust Control

  12. 从广告投放窥探中外空调器企业品牌营销策略

    Brand Marketing Strategy of Air Conditioner Manufacturers in China and Abroad

  13. 这些数据可用于新型的定向广告投放。

    Such data could be used for new kinds of targeted advertising .

  14. 我们可以预测,这种目标式的广告投放方式将会迅猛增长。

    We can expect this type of targeted advertising to proliferate quickly .

  15. 经济变局下,网络广告投放策略较之前相比,又有了怎样的变化?

    How to change advertising strategy to respond the change of market ?

  16. 收集竞争对手广告投放情况和促销信息。

    Collect the competitor 's information of advertising and promotion .

  17. 她否认最近的事件应该推迟广告投放的断言。

    She dismisses assertions that recent events should delay the ads.

  18. 社会注意力资源与广告投放

    Resources of Social Attention and the Launching of Advertisement

  19. 创新扩散中广告投放效果的元胞自动机仿真

    Simulate the Effects of Advertising on the Diffusion of Innovation with Cellular Automata

  20. 广告投放一周后,数字攀升到百分之五十。

    A week after the first ad , that number jumped to fifty percent .

  21. 基于用户行为分析的网站广告投放策略

    Strategy of Putting Adv on the Specific Web Based on the Action of User

  22. 所以这里,最后带来的对广告投放人员而言,是一些好消息。

    So here , at last , is some good news for advertising folk .

  23. 用来追踪广告投放效果和社区参与情况的应用以及进行危机管理的应用也层出不穷。

    Applications range from tracking ad campaigns and monitoring community engagement to handling crisis management .

  24. 观众们正在用数码录像机跳过他们的广告投放,而品牌持有者们恨透了这点。

    Brand-owners hate it that people are using digital video recorders to avoid their pitches .

  25. 好作品是节省广告投放量的根本所在!

    The good work is the basic place that the economical advertisement throws in quantity !

  26. 与去年一样,酒业和金融行业仍是广告投放额最高的两个行业。

    As with last year , the alcohol and financial industries were the largest spenders .

  27. 传统的广告投放活动往往采用广撒网的方式,盲目而不够精确。

    Traditional advertising tend to face to the majority , blind and not accurate enough .

  28. 汽车品牌的网络广告投放策略&从网易汽车频道用户来源分析入手

    Network Ads of Car Brand 's Promulgating

  29. 针对这种情况,出现了精准广告投放这一概念。

    In response to this situation , the concept of precision advertising has been proposed .

  30. 典当行增加了广告投放。

    Pawnbrokers have stepped up their advertising .