
  • 网络Slek
  1. 成为摩托罗拉、舒蕾、博朗、洛兹等著名品牌的形象大使;

    Brand Spokesperson for " MOTOROLA "," SLEK "," BRAUN "," ROUSSE " and many other famous products'brand promotions .

  2. 公司曾为一些大型集团企业加工、服务如:丝宝集团的舒蕾、柏兰、洁婷。

    Group companies have some large enterprises processing , and services such as : silk Insurance Group of Shulei , Bolan , Jieting .

  3. 娜蒂亚舒蕾曼抚养14个孩子的经济负担很大部分要落在加利福尼亚的纳税人头上了,这让本已有数十亿赤字的加利福尼亚州引起公愤。

    Suleman's14 children could fall on the shoulders of California 's taxpayers , compounding the public furor in a state already billions of dollars in the red .