
  • 网络Shuman Plan;The Schuman Plan
  1. 虽然一直以来总是充斥着强烈的联邦主义元素,但1945年后的欧洲一体化进程是从舒曼计划(SchumanPlan)正式开始的。该计划旨在整合德国和法国的煤炭和钢铁工业,以避免两国爆发战争。

    Although there was always a strong federalist element in the background , the post-1945 European movement began in earnest with the Schuman Plan , designed to integrate German and French coal and steel industries so that war between the two countries would be impossible .

  2. 对于舒曼计划在欧洲联合中的作用和意义,我们应予以充分认识。

    The role and significance of Schuman Plan can never be underestimated .

  3. 这个计划通称舒曼计划,是迈向欧洲统一的第一步。

    The Schuman Plan , as it was known , was the first step towards a united Europe .

  4. 美国支持舒曼计划,支持一体化的重新启动,支持并促成了《罗马条约》的顺利签署。

    America supported Schuman Scheme and the launch of the integration , and it secured Rome Treaty signing .

  5. 《舒曼计划》、欧洲煤钢条约组织与早期西欧一体化

    The Major Characters of the Early Integration in West Europe from Schuman Plan , the European Coal and Steel Treaty Organization

  6. 马歇尔计划则是要打破德国在纳粹统治下形成的封闭的经济体系,使德国重新溶入世界市场。这一目标到舒曼计划时最终得以实现,从而从根本上消除了德国威胁的隐患。

    The Marshal plan was to break the closed Nazi economy and merge it with the world market , which was realized by the Shuman Plan when the German Threat was basically erased .

  7. 在美国的支持下,1950年5月法国提出了舒曼计划,这一计划顺应了西欧经济一体化的趋势,迎合了美国关于经济一体化的要求和复兴德国的需要。

    With the support of America , France put forward the Shuman Plan , which temporized the trend of western economic integration and catered to American desire for economic integration and recovery of Germany .

  8. 美国曾经支持英国领导欧洲一体化,由于两者在一体化方式上的对立和战略目标上的冲突,舒曼计划出台后的整个50年代,美国转而支持法国领导的以法德和解为核心的大陆一体化。

    America had supported Britain to lead the European integration , but they had differences on the mode of integration and the goals of their strategies . After Schuman Scheme and almost the whole 50S , America turned to support France to lead integration instead of Britain .

  9. 1950年法国外长舒曼为应变提出了著名的《舒曼计划》,并随后建立了欧洲煤钢条约组织。

    Under great domestic and foreign pressure , the French foreign minister Schuman put forward the famous Schuman Plan in 1950 , then the European Coal and Steel Treaty Organization were established .