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  1. 基于RS和GIS的舒城县土壤侵蚀评价

    Assessment on Soil Erosion in Shucheng County Based on Remote Sense and GIS Techniques

  2. 1983、1984年的6&7月,连续两次在舒城县庐镇乡进行DDT室内滞留喷洒,第一次喷洒后,嗜人按蚊组成比和叮人率分别下降98.4%和99.5%,恶性疟发病率下降92.1%。

    Indoor DDT residual spray was administered consecutively at Lu Zheng township , Shucheng county in June or July , 1983 and 1984 , After the first spray , ratio and bite rate of Anopheles anthropophagus decreased 98.4 % and 99.5 % respectively , p. f. incidence reduced 92.1 % .

  3. 美丽的万佛湖就是镶嵌在舒城大地上的一块翡翠。

    Poke beautiful Shuchen Lake is set in a beautiful land .

  4. 舒城县近50年来土地利用变化分析

    Analysis of the Land Use Change during the Recent 50 Years in Shucheng County

  5. 安徽省舒城县油茶品种资源调查初报

    The Investigation To the Variety Resources of Oil Tea Plant In Shucheng County of Anhui

  6. “七门三堰”是安徽舒城境内古老的水利工程。

    " Qimen Sanyan " barrage is an ancient water project in Shucheng , Anhui .

  7. 舒城素有“皖中花园”、“安徽北戴河”的美誉。

    Shuchen has a " Garden in central Anhui Province "," Anhui Beidaihe " praise .

  8. 经济欠发达地区有利于贫困人口的旅游业发展策略&以安徽省舒城县为例

    Strategies of Tourism Development Profited Poverty Population & As a Case Study of Shucheng of Anhui Province

  9. 希望通过本论文的研究成果,能进一步完善舒城县农业科技特派员制度。

    Hope that through this thesis research , to further improve the Shucheng agricultural science and technology correspondent system .

  10. 养殖基地位于安徽省舒城县东南方向舒三路七里工业园区。

    Breeding base in Anhui Province is located in a south-easterly direction Shucheng Shu three Qiligang Industrial Park Road .

  11. 根据支柱产业的选择基准,确定了舒城县产业发展的重点。

    According to the choice criterion of pillar industries , this article has determined the focal points of industrial development .

  12. 目前,安徽省正大力推进皖江城市带承接产业转移示范区建设,舒城县作为59个县(市、区)的其中之一,有着自己独特地发展目标和任务。

    As one of the 59 counties ( cities , districts ), Shucheng has its own unique development goals and tasks .

  13. 根据舒城县的比较优势,确定了舒城县产业发展的战略定位。

    According to the comparative advantage of ShuCheng County , this article has determined the strategic positioning of industrial development of ShuCheng County .

  14. 金寨县、霍山县、舒城县和新县、光山县、罗山县的森林覆盖率较高。

    The forest coverage of Jinzhai County , Huoshan County , Shucheng County , Xin County , Guangshan County and Luoshan County is higher .

  15. 第三部分则是结合舒城县实际,总结其在政府社会管理方面的积极探索及其成效。

    The third part is combined with the actual situation of Shucheng Country , summarized the actively exploration and effect in governments ' social management .

  16. 舒城贝母为一种贝母属植物,其化学成分的研究未见报道。

    Fritillaria shuchengensis is one kind plant of the genus Fritillaria , and the study on the chemical constituents of Fritillaria shuchengensis has not been reported .

  17. 根据舒城县产业结构现状与问题,确定了舒城县产业发展的基本目标。

    According to the present situation and problems of industrial structure of ShuCheng County , this article has determined the basic goals of industrial development of ShuCheng County .

  18. 主要提出了从政府和企业两个层面提升政策集群资源、资金集群资源、信息集群资源、网络集群资源四种资源,进而促进舒城县中小企业成长。

    Mainly from two factors , includes government and enterprise , analysed how to promote policy cluster resources , capital cluster resources , information cluster resources and network cluster resources .

  19. 第四部分重点分析了制约舒城县政府社会管理职能履行的主要因素,并深刻剖析其产生的主要原因。

    The fourth part focused on the analysis that the main factors of restricting Shucheng Country Government to perform the social management functions , and deeply analyzed the main reason .

  20. 东大别南界为襄樊-广济断裂,北界的信阳-舒城断裂带将造山带与合肥盆地分隔。

    Dabie orogenic belt is bounded by the Xinyang-Shucheng fault to the north , Xiangfan-Guangji fault to the south , Shangcheng-Macheng fault to the west , and Tancheng-Lujiang fault to the east .

  21. 第四部分重点探讨舒城县的基本情况,并介绍舒城县近年来社会管理体系的重点和已经取得的成绩。

    The fourth part focuses on the basic situation of the Shucheng Country , introduces the social management focus and the achievement in recent years that the Shucheng Country has been achieved .

  22. 近几年,舒城县政府十分重视培育发展好一批具有竞争优势的产业集群。

    In recent years , Shucheng government attaches great importance to cultivate and develop a number of industrial clusters with competitive advantages . Thus , this study has a certain application value .

  23. 作为后发展县,舒城县政府的宏观指导作用尤为突出,要补上市场经济的课,加大招商引资的力度,从竞争性行业退出。

    As a developing county , Shucheng county government macroscopic guidance role is particularly prominent , to make up the market economy course , increase capital attraction strength , exited from emulative industry .

  24. 安徽毗邻开江浙,但开放程度没有后者高,舒城县处于安徽省中部,接受长三角的辐射更小。

    Adjacent to Anhui river short for Zhejiang Province , but the degree of opening without the latter , Shucheng County in central Anhui Province , the Yangtze River Delta radiation less accepted .

  25. 第五部分,在前面基础上,着重论述舒城县社会管理体系的新框架,并提出完善和推进的具体举措。

    The fifth part mainly discusses the new framework of the social management system innovation of the Shucheng Country , and put forward specific initiatives to improve and promote on the basis of introduction ahead .

  26. 舒城县的三次产业结构、霍夫曼比例和劳动力分布状况均表明舒城县目前处于工业化初期最后阶段,即将进入工业化中期。

    The structure of three industries , Hoffman proportion and labor distribution all indicate that ShuCheng County is currently at the final stage of the early stage of industrialization , which is entering the mid-term stage .

  27. 而且,随着国家级示范区&皖江城市带承接转移示范区的设立,以及合肥经济圈概念的提出,舒城县作为其中重要战略区域之一,中小企业成长面临着难得的发展机遇。

    With the establishment of the national demonstration area-the cities along the Yangtze River in Anhui Province and Hefei Economic Circle , as one of the areas , SMEs growth in Shucheng face a rare opportunity .

  28. 根据地球物理资料推测,南北陆块间的缝合带应分布在信阳-舒城断裂的前缘,但现在覆于合肥盆地中新生代沉积之下。

    Combining the geophysical data , the Xinyang-Shucheng fault is the Indo-Chinese suture between the Yangtze and the North China blocks , but now is covered under the Mesozoic and Cenozoic deposits of the Hefei basin .

  29. 然后按照产业分类剖析舒城县政府在促进农业、工业、商贸服务业各个领域经济发展中职能履行的作用。

    Then according to the classification of industry analysis of Shucheng county government in promoting the agriculture , industry , trade and services in various fields in economic development to fulfill the functions of the role .

  30. 依托丰富的自然与劳动力资源和政府的多项优惠扶持政策,舒城县已经发展起来了包括羽毛羽绒及其制品加工、农副食品加工、童车制造等传统优势产业。

    Relying on its great resource endowment , low labor costs and favorable government policies . Shucheng has developed some traditional industries , such as feather and down related products processing , agro-food processing and stroller industry .