
  • 网络Shura;Kalpana Chawla;Shora
  1. 我在利物浦和我青梅竹马的恋人舒拉结婚了。

    I married Shurla , my childhood sweetheart , in Liverpool .

  2. 德国明斯特大学(UniversityofMunster)生殖医学与男科学中心(CenterforReproductiveMedicineandAndrology)主任斯特凡・舒拉特(StefanSchlatt)认为,并不存在一场世界范围的精子危机。

    Stefan Schlatt , director of the Center for Reproductive Medicine and Andrology at the University of Munster in Germany , says he doesn 't believe there is a sperm crisis world-wide .

  3. 由于INS的两个水平通道具有舒拉摆的特性,所以在长航时精确导航中通常采用各种组合导航,比如INS/GPS、INS/CNS以及INS/GPS/CNS。

    For the two level channels of INS being Schuler pendulum , it can be damped by different integrated navigation system , such as INS / GPS , INS / CNS and INS / GPS / CNS .

  4. 法兹鲁拉的下一步是成立舒拉,一种地方性的法庭。舒拉立即受到民众的欢迎。

    Next Fazlullah began holding a shura , a kind of local court .

  5. 由于改变了舒拉调整条件,内阻尼算法只有在系统加速度较小的情况下才能使用。

    The system acceleration must be small enough , then the damped algorithm can be applied .

  6. 法兹鲁拉的舒拉所宣判的刑罚包括公开的鞭刑,在此之前,我们从来没有听过这种处罚方式。

    The punishments decreed by Fazlullah 's shura included public whippings , which we had never seen before .

  7. 因此,穆圣在阿舒拉日斋戒既不是跟随犹太人也不是在麦地那才开始的。

    Thus , the Prophet neither fasted'Ashura'in accordance with the Jews nor did he started fasting it in Madinah .

  8. 反对党已呼吁市民采取作为什叶派穆斯林的阿舒拉节的街道达到了高潮。

    Opposition parties had urged people to take to the streets as the Shia Muslim festival of Ashura reached a climax .

  9. 安全官员称,爆炸发生在巴格达西北部主要的什叶派穆斯林舒拉社区一家餐馆附近。

    Security official said the blast occurred near a restaurant in the mainly Shia Muslim Shula district in the northwest of the city .

  10. 改进的曲线拟合法通过对惯导系统误差模型的分析,解耦出速度误差项的舒拉部分。

    In the improved curve fitting method , the Schuler component in velocity error was decoupled through the analysis of inertial navigation system .

  11. 由经典理论可知,舒拉振荡的初始相位与起始振荡时刻的惯性系统输出误差有关。

    Based on the classical theory , we know that the preliminary phase of the Schlar oscillation is related to the errors in SINS at the beginning .

  12. 几个月来,示威者一直公开表示对政府的反对,而在穆斯林节日阿舒拉节期间发生的冲突是目前为止最严重的暴力事件。

    Demonstrators have against the country 's government for months now , but the clashes on the Muslim holy day of Ashura were the worst so far .

  13. 经过研究有关阿舒拉日斋戒的传述,我们发现,穆圣(愿主福安之)并没有到麦地那才开始阿舒拉日的斋戒。

    Studying the traditions reported with regard to fasting'Ashura ' , we find that the Prophet ( peace and blessings be upon him ) did not initiate the fasting of'Ashura'in Madinah .

  14. 导致双硫仑样反应的药物见于头孢唑啉、头孢哌酮、头孢哌酮加舒巴坦、拉氧头孢等。

    Disulfiram-like reaction can be caused by cephazolin , cefoperazone , cefoperazone and sulbactam , latamoxef and so on .