
  1. 吕坤的人生智慧冯坤:在压力中奋进

    Life Wisdom of Lu Kun Feng Kun Progresses under Pressure

  2. 我真嫉妒中国当我看到冯坤打球的时候。

    I get so jealous of China when I see Kun Feng play .

  3. 但是城市建筑工人冯坤评论说:这很荒谬,简直是浪费钱。

    But city construction worker Feng Kung said : It is ridiculous , what a total waste of money .

  4. 在意大利执教期间曾经担任诺瓦拉俱乐部的主教练,正是她从中牵线搭桥促成了冯坤此次的意大利之行。

    In Italian teaching period once was Head Coach vara club , was precisely she brings both sides together has facilitated trip of the Feng Kun this time Italy .