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  • deer hunter
  1. 强沙维奇是“越战猎鹿人”,没有腿。

    John savage was deer hunter , no legs .

  2. 为游戏中更多的冒险做好准备:猎鹿人:非洲狩猎!

    Get ready for more adventures in the game : Deer Hunter : African Safari !

  3. 《芝加哥太阳时报》的评价是《猎鹿人》教我们永远不要忘记战争的惨痛历史。

    Chicago Sun-Times commented that The Deer Hunter tells people never to forget the war .

  4. 有一次,他们关于1978年的电影《猎鹿人》在他们家饭桌上的讨论最终又导致了一次大争吵。

    A discussion of The Deer Hunter , a 1978 film , ended in a brawl .

  5. 但我还是不明白:谁会不小心喝防冻液呢?会不会是那个猎鹿人一直等着那只鹿走过来咬他?

    Could it have been the deer hunter who let the deer get close enough to bite him ?

  6. 据猎鹿人透露,人们渴望的游戏类型工业上从未考虑过生产。

    Deer Hunter revealed that people were starving for game styles that the industry hadn 't even considered making .

  7. 我变得真实起来,不再是假模假样的玩具毛绒兔。不过,我还是把高中假装的这个女孩形象储存在记忆里。后来拍《猎鹿人》时,我用这种形象来扮演片中的琳达。

    I became real instead of an imagined stuffed bunny , but I stockpiled that character from high school and I breathed life into her again some years later as Linda in the Deer Hunter .

  8. 《猎鹿人》于1978年上映,是一部美国战争史诗巨制,编剧和导演为迈克尔·西米诺。讲述的是三位俄裔美国钢铁工人在越南战争中的故事。

    The Deer Hunter The Deer Hunter is a 1978 American epic war drama film co-written and directed by Michael Cimino about a trio of Russian American steelworkers and their service in the Vietnam War .

  9. 也许你们没有一个人看过这部电影,但是《猎鹿人》夺得了1978年奥斯卡最佳影片奖,罗伯特·德尼罗、克里斯·沃肯参与了表演,这是个很严肃的电影。

    There is probably not one of you graduates it who has ever seen this film , but the Deer Hunter won best picture in 1978 . Robert De Niro , Chris Walken , not funny at all .