
zhènɡ jù lái yuán
  • source of evidence
  1. 据律师透露,Facebook正日益成为婚姻破裂的一大主因,而且越来越多地在离婚案件中被用作证据来源。

    Facebook is becoming a major factor in marriage breakdowns and is increasingly being used as a source of evidence in divorce cases , according to lawyers .

  2. 律师们说,尽管人们认为未能更改婚姻状况导致婚姻破裂的案例极少,但Facebook越来越多地被用作离婚案的证据来源。

    Although there are thought to be few cases whereby the failure to change a status of a relationship has caused a breakdown Facebook is increasingly being used as a source of evidence in divorce cases , according to lawyers .

  3. 多个证据来源凑到一起能否得到一个逻辑连贯的描述?

    Do multiple sources of evidence add up to a coherent picture ?

  4. 本指引的临床证据来源于国内外符合循证医学原则的研究。

    The clinical evidences of the guideline came from clinical trials based evidence-based medicine .

  5. 语言可接受性判断构成了理论语言学和应用语言学的重要证据来源。

    Judgments of linguistic acceptability constitute an important source of evidence for theoretical and applied linguistics .

  6. 这项证据来源于对大约8000美国人为期80多年的研究。

    The evidence comes from a study of approximately ① eight thousand American men over a period of eighty years .

  7. 中国的医学文献可能是影响临床实践和进行其他系统性综述的丰富的证据来源。

    The Chinese medical literature may be a rich source of evidence to inform clinical practice and other systematic reviews .

  8. 法官指出对于这类案件,尤其当控方是唯一证据来源时,要十分谨慎。

    Judges pointed out a need to be careful in such cases when the accuser was the only source of evidence .

  9. 由于受到证据来源、证明方法等限制,事实证明具有一定程度的不确定性。

    Affected by the sources of evidence and approaches of proof , the proof of facts is to a certain degree uncertain .

  10. 公证证明的内容实质是公证文书证明的内容,其核心是有关证据来源和证据形式的形成过程,这往往是未曾亲自感知的人无法凭经验法则和逻辑法则判断的事实。

    The content testified by notarization is that of notarial deeds whose core is the origin of relating evidence and the forming process .

  11. 作为断层相互作用的一种主要模型,应变分配模型的最直接证据来源于地震学方面,包括震源机制、震源深度及其分区特征等的研究结果。

    Being a main model on fault interaction , strain partitioning model is directly supported by seismic data , such as focal mechanism , focal depth and their zonation .

  12. 以上研究证据来源自纽卡斯尔大学研究人员提出的表观遗传学,他们研究过9-11周岁小孩的基因组织。

    The latest evidence for the theory , which is known as epigenetics , comes from researchers at Newcastle University who analyzed the genes of children aged between nine and 11 .

  13. 证据来源的筛选和最好证据的检索是循证医学实践的关键,这对图书馆医学信息服务提出了更高的要求,同时也促进了图书馆信息服务的发展。

    The key point of the practice of EBM is screening the evidence resource and searching the best evidence . It demands high quality of medical information services providing from hospital library , and also promotes the development of information services .

  14. 一般的医疗行为引起的侵权诉讼应采用原、被告就其主张共同承担举证责任,由法官根据证据来源真实性等来进行判断。

    General medical tort litigation arising out of general medical acts should require the plaintiff and the defendant shared the burden of proof according to their claims , and then the judge determines based on the authenticity of the source of evidence .

  15. 针对本罪刑事举证难的困境,本文认为,举证责任倒置的理由不充分,应通过完善制度建设、加强体制机制改革等途径,拓宽证据来源,增强监管机关、侦查机关的取证能力。

    The author holds that there is no justification to apply inverted evidential burden , the ways to solve the difficulties of proof are : improving system construction , develop encouraging measures , widening source of evidences and enhancing forensics capacity of investigative organs .

  16. 这说明我国被害人与被告人、证人及鉴定人一样,都是一种独立的证据来源和刑事作证主体,被害人作证的身份仍然是被害人,即当事人,不是证人。

    This shows that the victim is an independent source of evidence and criminal testifier as well as the accused , witness and expert . The identity of the victim to testify remains the victim , namely , a party , not a witness .

  17. 日志是计算机系统产生并保留的一份重要文件,它记录着犯罪者利用计算机进行犯罪的大量痕迹,是打击计算机犯罪非常重要的线索和证据来源。

    Log is an important document that computer system produces and retains , which records a large number of " trace " of criminal offenders who use computers to break law . So it is very important clues and sources of evidence to combat computer crime .

  18. 法院之友制度的首要价值在于能够提供不为法院知悉的事实材料和法律意见,有助于法院扩展证据来源的渠道,准确认定事实,正确适用法律,作出公正的判决。

    The primary value of " amicus curiae " system lies in the ability to provide unknown the facts and legal advice for the Court , helping Court extended the source of evidence , accurately identified the fact , , correctly applied the law , make a fair judgment .

  19. 证据的来源与检索

    Sources of evidence and searching for evidence

  20. 尽管受到了科学界的驳斥,但许多信奉正统派基督教的人还是把它看作推翻进化论为真的有力证据“来源”。

    Despite much refutation from the Scientific community , many fundamentalists still use this as a " source " for proof that evolution is not true .

  21. 随机临床试验是循证医学证据的主要来源。

    Randomized clinical trials ( RCTs ) results are the sources of evidence .

  22. 生物医学文献数据库是临床医学实践证据的重要来源之一。

    ObjectiveBiomedical research literature databases are one of the important sources for searching evidence of clinical practice .

  23. (三)证据和证据来源、证人姓名和住所。

    And 3 . evidence and the source of evidence , the name and address of the witness ( es ) .

  24. 证据开示是来源于英美法系的概念,是刑事诉讼中的一项重要制度。

    Criminal evidence discovery is a very important system in criminal proceeding and this concept originated from the Anglo-American law system .

  25. 因为嫌疑人、被告人就是重要证据和证据来源,通过羁押可以索取口供,并通过口供查找其他证据犯罪嫌疑人。

    Because suspects and defendants is important evidence and evidence sources , through the custody the defendant , can obtain confession , and through the confession search other evidence of criminal suspects .

  26. 但是,没有任何书面证据显示nitty-gritty的来源就是奴隶船的甲板。

    However , there is no written proof that nitty-gritty originated on the floors of slave ships .

  27. 然而,越来越多的证据提示这些骨髓来源的细胞(如髓样细胞,侧群细胞和间充质细胞)和非骨髓来源的细胞均可产生EC。

    However , increasing evidence suggests that there are additional bone marrow-derived cell populations ( eg , myeloid cells ," side population " cells , and mesenchymal cells ) and non-bone marrow-derived cells , which also can give rise to endothelial cells .

  28. 对于证据理论中不同来源的证据具有不同的重要性,在信息融合过程中,若能把不同重要性的证据准确表达出来就可以提高融合精度。

    Aimed to the multiple evidence of different sources with the different importance , in the course of information fusion , the precision of fusion can be improved if the different importance of evidence is expressed veraciously .

  29. 循证医学是20世纪国际临床医学领域迅速崛起的一门新兴学科,医学文献中的情报和信息是循证医学的最佳证据或科学证据的来源。

    Evidence-based medicine ( EBM ) is a new subject which rose rapidly in international clinical medicine in the 20th century . The intelligence and information in medical documents is the source of the optimum evidence and the scientific evidence of EBM .

  30. 第二章介绍了数字证据的概念、数字证据的特点及来源,计算机取证过程中所必须遵循的原则以及计算机取证的步骤。

    Chapter 2 explains the concept , characteristics and the source of digital evidence . And then introduces the principle and the specific steps of the computer forensics .