
  1. 证券报价的数据通信量特大,且要实时和及时进行数据处理,并快速显示结果。

    The stock exchanged in stock quotation system is especially multitudinous and must be processed real-time and promptly .

  2. 例如,一个个人门户可能由证券报价机模型、日历模型等组成。

    For example , a personal portal may be composed of a stock ticker model , a calendar model , and so on .

  3. 实时的动态数据比如新闻标题、证券报价和拍卖行情都需要尽快地发送给用户。

    Real-time dynamic web data such as news headlines , stock tickers , and auction updates need to be propagated to the users as soon as possible .

  4. 公司在证券交易所报价。

    The company is quoted on the stock exchange .

  5. 全国证券交易商自动报价协会〔美国〕

    National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotations [ United States ]

  6. 我们正在寻找证券市场的报价。

    We are seeking a stock market quotation .

  7. 日本证券交易商自动报价协会

    Japanese Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotations

  8. 这个系统被称为“那斯达克”,是“全国证券交易商自动报价系统协会”的英文缩写。

    The system is known as NASDAQ , short for The National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotation .

  9. 纳斯达克是“国家证券交易自动报价系统协会”的缩写,是世界上第一个完全电子股票交易市场。

    NASDAQ is short for National Association of Security Dealers Automated Quotation System was the world 's first completely electronic stock market .

  10. 最小报价单位作为证券交易时报价的最小单位,是市场微观结构的重要组成部件,而最小报价单位对证券市场质量尤其是流动性的影响一直是金融市场微观结构研究的重点内容之一。

    Tick Size is one of the most important components of the market microstructure . The effects of Tick Size on the securities market quality especially the market liquidity has been a focus study of the financial microstructure .

  11. Part1NASDAQ纳斯达克纳斯达克(NASDAQ)是全美证券交易协会自动报价系统的首字母缩略词。它是当今世界上最大的股票交易市场之一。

    For the National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotation system , NASDAQ is one of the largest markets in the world for the trading of stocks .

  12. 我知道,现在百度被音乐行业列入非法下载黑名单,它是中国最大的搜索引擎,在NASDAQ(是指美国“全国证券交易商协会自动报价系统)

    Now I know that baidu.com is one of those that 's been singled out by the music industries , it 's the biggest Chinese search engine , it 's listed on Nasdaq and it 's been subject / to be deliberately named .

  13. 信息不对称对证券市场做市商报价影响力的实证研究

    Empirical Research on Effect of Information Asymmetry on Market-Maker Quote in Stock Market

  14. 全国经纪人协会发展了一种计算机系统,叫做全国证券经纪人协会自动报价系统。

    Now National Association of Security Dealers has developed a computer system , called NASDAQ .

  15. 全美证券交易商协会自动报价系统。世界上最大的计算机化交易系统。

    An exchange system in which principals and dealers negotiate with each other for the best price .

  16. 按照价格形成机制的不同,可以把证券市场划分为报价驱动的做市商市场、指令驱动的竞价市场(分为连续竞价与集合竞价),以及两者兼而有之的混合市场。

    According to the price form mechanism we divided three kinds of markets : market-maker market , auction market and hybrid market .

  17. (关于有价证券的)在证券交易所未报价的。

    ( of securities ) not quoted on a stock exchange .

  18. 向经纪人提供证券的价格报表的计算机系统;全国证券交易商自动报价系统协会。

    A computerized data system to provide brokers with price quotations for securities ; national Association of Securities Dealers Automated quotations .

  19. 因此,我们把电子证券网上交易界定为利用互联网络资源,获取证券的报价、市场行情分析,并通过互联网委托下单实施的实时交易。

    Therefore , we define the electronic security online exchange as the real-time exchange process of using the network resource to obtain quotation of security market and analyze market condition , placing an order in virtue of internet .

  20. 网上证券交易是投资者利用因特网取得证券经纪商提供的委托下单服务、证券即时报价以及投资咨询服务实现实时证券交易的新型证券业务委托手段。

    Online Securities Exchanging is a new type of Securities Exchanging method , with which , investors can access online entrustment service provided by Security brokerage companies , and can receive marketing quotes and marketing information .