
  1. 随着智能化信息和网络时代的到来,印刷体汉字识别在证件识别、中文信息处理、办公自动化等方面都有着日益广泛的应用。

    In the era of intelligent information and internet , printed Chinese character recognition will be broadly applied to identity recognition , Chinese information processing , OA and so on . As a result , it is of great significance in both practical value and theoretical meaning .

  2. 有限集合污损汉字字符识别是汉字识别中具有重要意义的研究课题,它在汽车牌照字符识别、身份证件字符识别等方面发挥了很大作用。

    Limited-set defaced Chinese Character Recognition has important meaning of the research of Chinese Character Recognition , which plays great part in License Plate Recognition System and ID card Characters Recognition .

  3. 现已在物流管理、医疗、交通、汽车防盗、动物识别、证件防伪、身份识别等众多领域广泛应用,并具有逐步取代条型码技术的趋势。

    Now it has widespread application in a variety of domains , for example in the logistics management domain medical domain transportation domain , automobile security domain animal recognition domain identification recognition and so on , and now RFID has the trend of replacing barcode technology .

  4. 因此,预防和打击各种伪造证件的犯罪活动,提高我国各种证件的防伪识别能力,已是应时之需,其中纸张防伪具有识别简单,成本低,仿制难,应用广泛等优点。

    In order to prevent the forgery from spreading , developing different kinds of safety papers which could improve the ability of anti-counterfeiting becomes necessary . Anti-counterfeiting paper has advantages of easy to identify , cost effective , difficulty in imitation and widespread application .