
mú bǎn pǐ pèi
  • template matching
  1. 文中采用了模糊模板匹配的方法识别字符集合X中每个元素的特征;

    A fuzzy template matching method is used to recognize each character of Set ⅹ .

  2. 基于模板匹配和SVM的草图符号自适应识别方法

    Adaptive Symbol Recognition for Sketch-Based Interfaces Based on Template Matching and SVM

  3. 基于MAP框架的图像序列超分辨率和模板匹配

    Combined Resolution Enhancement and Pattern Matching in Image Sequence Based on MAP Frame

  4. 分类器分别尝试了模板匹配方法和RBF神经网络的方法。

    We tried template matching and RBF ANN as classify method .

  5. 对于跑道跟踪本文采用了FastNCC模板匹配的跟踪方法。

    The runway tracking method is based on Fast NCC template matching mehtod .

  6. 研究了模板匹配、神经网络和SVM等几种常见的车牌字符识别算法,在此基础上提出了一种融合模板匹配和SVM的字符识别方法。

    Several character recognition methods such as template matching , neural network and SVM are studied .

  7. 针对LED芯片的特征,提出一种综合利用边界特征和灰度信息的模板匹配方法实现芯片的识别。

    According to the characters of LED chip , We present a template matching method using both boundary characteristic and gray information to recognise chips .

  8. 该算法基于动态规划(DP)的思想,解决了发音长短不一的模板匹配问题,是语音识别中很成功的一种匹配算法。

    It solves the problem of template match .

  9. 利用旋转模板匹配方法对SIFT算法的改进

    Using a Rotated Template to Improve SIFT 's Processing

  10. 介绍了一种基于图像模板匹配算法的PCB板元件自动快速检测方法。

    A fast auto-detection method of printed circuit board ( PCB ) components based on image template matching is introduced .

  11. 模板匹配要求待匹配图像像素之间有对应关系,在边缘模糊的SAR图像中,容易造成误匹配。

    Template matching needs corresponding relationship between pixels in the sensed image and the pattern , which makes false matching in the blurred image .

  12. SSR滤波器算法是基于特征与模板匹配相结合的算法,其原理是应用脸部明暗关系的规则,在图像中寻找可能的人脸区域候选。

    The principle is that using the relationship between light and shade of the face to look for face candidates .

  13. 然后用K均值聚类、模板匹配和基于骨架的心肌形状恢复方法给出左心室的内外初始轮廓线;

    First the left ventricle is located using morphological method , then whose inner and outer contours are initialized using k-mean clustering , templet matching and the myocardium shape restoration based on skeleton .

  14. 采用基于改进Hausdorff距离的滑动模板匹配进行数字字符识别。

    This paper researches on a digit character recognition method that is gliding template matching based on improved Hausdorff distance .

  15. 传统的方法都是用模板匹配和各种算子,比如:Canny算子、Sobel算子、Log算子等来进行边缘和线性特征提取。

    Up to now , traditional methods employ template matching with different operators such as Canny Operator , Sobel Operator , Log Operator .

  16. 确定了三种可用于基于颜色特征的告警信号灯识别的方法:灰度直方图法,模板匹配法和HSI系统法。

    The methods for alert signal recognition include gray histogram arithmetic , pattern matching method and HSI system .

  17. 最后,对得到的候选人脸区域,使用一种平均脸模板匹配与BP神经网络验证相结合的方法进行检测判断,得到人脸检测的最终结果。

    Finally , the face template matching and BP neural network are used to verify whether the probable face area is a face indeed , and the final detection result will be obtained .

  18. DSP的强大运算功能克服了模板匹配法计算量大的缺点;DSP控制还具有电路简单、可靠、应用灵活等特性。

    The powerful computing function of DSP overcomes the shortcoming of large computing consumption for the template matching , also DSP control has features of simple circuit , reliability , and application flexibility .

  19. 基于投影与KMP简约算法的一维快速模板匹配算法

    Fast Template Matching Algorithm Based on the Projection and the Contracted KMP Algorithm

  20. 在预处理的基础上对图像中的麸星进行检测,讨论了包括模板匹配法、线性判别法、K均值聚类法等各种方法。

    Based on the pre-processing image , the paper discussed different algorithm to detect and measure brans in flour , including template matching method , linear discriminant method , K-means clustering method and other methods .

  21. 三实现基于Harris角探测和模板匹配法的彩色伪随机编码模板的图像特征点提取算法。

    The algorithms of the image coordinate extraction of the pseudo-random color encoded pattern based on Harris corner detect and model matching method are implemented .

  22. 一种基于Harr小波的快速模板匹配算法

    A Fast Template Matching Algorithm Based on Harr - wavelet

  23. 该算法由引导时频分布确定Chirp原子的时频中心,然后用模板匹配方法搜索原子的尺度和调频率(Chirprate)。

    In the algorithm , the time-frequency centers of the Chirp atoms are determined from the pilot TF distribution and then the scale factor and Chirp rate is estimated by the stencil matching method .

  24. 在基于模板匹配的合成孔径雷达(syntheticApertureRadar,SAR)目标识别中,一个关键问题就是如何从带有杂波的SAR图像中将目标正确分割出来,以便形成高质量的模板。

    In the template-based SAR ( synthetic aperture radar ) target recognition , a key problem is how to ( segment ) a target image from a noisy SAR image to form a high quality target template .

  25. 在静态手势识别中,首先简要分析了模板匹配的方法,然后详细介绍了神经网络的方法,并用BP神经网络对10个数字手势,600个样本进行了训练和识别。

    In the static gesture recognition , we analyze the method of template matching briefly at the first , then detail the method of neural network and use BP neural network to train and recognize 10 gestures with 600 samples .

  26. XPath是用于查询元素的语言,例如,选择属性或指定模板匹配(XSLT中的匹配属性)时。

    XPath is the language you use to query elements , for example , in select attributes , or to specify template matches ( the match attribute in XSLT ) .

  27. 对像素相关性小的红外和可见光图像,提出了基于sobel快速边缘检测的模板匹配方法。

    For infrared image and visual image which have less pixel pertinence , a template matching method based on Sobel quick edge detection is presented .

  28. 例如:路径表达式模板匹配方法、基于B+树的结构联合方法、基于后缀树的索引方法、路径表达式重写索引查询方法、利用XML模板优化查询路径的方法等。

    For example : the path expression template-match method , the structural joins based on B + tree method , the suffix tree index method , recoding path expression into a special index method and utilizing XML schema to optimize path expression method , etc.

  29. 对ISAR实测飞机数据的分类实验及与模板匹配法和RBF识别方法的比较,获得了良好的识别结果,表明了该方法的可行性和有效性。

    Experimental results of the proposed method for real-life ISAR data target recognition together with a comparison to the RBF and the MCC-TMM method , indicate effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed method .

  30. 关于车牌字符的识别,分析模板匹配人工神经网络的OCR算法的优势,采取字符外轮廓特征匹配和神经网络组合识别的方法。

    The characters on the license plate identification , analysis template matching OCR algorithm advantage , taking characters from Contour feature matching and neural network portfolio identification method .