
mó nǐ lǜ bō qì
  • analog filter
  1. 基于Matlab的无失真模拟滤波器设计

    Design of Non-distortion Analog Filter Based on Matlab

  2. 单片集成CMOS二阶OTA-C连续时间模拟滤波器

    Monolithic CMOS Second-order OTA-C Continuous-time Analog Filter

  3. 工业控制机数据采集系统用RC模拟滤波器的计算和选用

    The calculation and selection of the analog rc-filters for the industrial data acquisition system

  4. DSA设备使用简明的数字和模拟滤波器除去多余的输入和输出频率。

    DSA devices use transparent digital and analog hardware filtering to eliminate aliased input and output frequencies .

  5. 模拟滤波器的数字化基于随机逻辑准数字化DAC的PLD实现

    The PLD Realization of Quasi-digital Digital to Analog Converter Based on Stochastic Logic

  6. 整个电路采用标准CMOS工艺,采取模块化设计的方法,把数字频率发生器和模拟滤波器部分分开设计。

    The total circuit is implemented by standard CMOS technology and module designed ; the digital frequency generator and analog filter was designed respectively .

  7. 设计了变频(40~60Hz)测量用的前置模拟滤波器,它采用的二阶有源RC滤波电路,包括低通放大和带阻滤波两部分。

    A kind of analogue filter for variable frequency measurement is designed .

  8. CLS系统模拟滤波器分析

    Analysis of Analogue Filter in Well Logging System CLS

  9. 蓝牙芯片发送通道的OTA-C连续时间型模拟滤波器设计

    A Design of OTA-C Continuous-Time Filter Applied Transmit Channel in Bluetooth Chip

  10. 相对于IIR滤波器或模拟滤波器避免了因非线性相位滤波带来的失真问题。

    This scheme can also avoid distortion resulting from non-linear filtering when compared with IIR digital filter or analog filter .

  11. 在Pspice环境下对可编程四阶有源模拟滤波器的进化进行的模拟仿真结果表明,所得的进化型模拟有源滤波器完全可以满足设计要求。论文中所有用到的程序均是在VC++6.0环境下编译完成。

    Under the Pspice environment , the simulated results show that the design of the Programmable four ranks Analog Active Filter is satisfied with specifications .

  12. 本文从OTA求和网络的一般概念出发,经过推导得到了用OTA器件构成的OTA求和器和C元件实现的梯型模拟滤波器。

    From viewpoint of generic OTA summation network , this paper derives a new type of ladder simulation filter structured by OTA summers and capacitors . NETWORK c network .

  13. 给出一个快速算法来判定整系数滤波器的稳定性。该算法的复杂性为O(n2),其中n为模拟滤波器传输函数分母多项式的次数。

    This paper offers a fast algorithm for determining the stability of filter with integer coefficients , whose complexity is O ( n ~ 2 ), where n is the degree of denominator of transmission function of simulated filter .

  14. 以双端接载LC网络组成的模拟滤波器为原型,取LDI变换进行数字滤波器的设计,可以保持LDI数字滤波器低灵敏度性质不变。

    It is possible to remain the expected low-sensitivity properties of a LDI digital filter based on a two-port LC network analog filter model by LDI transformation .

  15. 对现有方法进行分析对比,根据手机平台的需要选择计算量较小的IIR滤波器进行均衡器设计,采用双线性变换法将模拟滤波器变换到数字域。

    Base on analysis and comparison of existing methods , according to the needs of mobile platform , the IIR filter design method is selected . The analog filter is transformed to the digital domain with bilinear transformation .

  16. 主要研究了电力设备在线监测中常用的RC有源、集成和开关电容等几种模拟滤波器的输出线性、输入电压与滤波器产生的相移特性等滤波器关键特性。

    The linearity and the phase shift of three kinds of analog filters have been studied . These filters are the RC active filter , the integrated active filter and the switch-capacitor filter , which are commonly applied in the on-line monitoring of the power equipments .

  17. 作为原理论证和预研,我们使用了一个相对简单的模拟滤波器和移相器对Kicker过程激发的β振荡进行反馈,看到了明显的抑制作用。

    As the proof of the theory and pre-study , we use a relatively simple analog filter and phase shifter to agitate the Kicker course , which causes the β - oscillation , and get the feedback , from which we see the obvious suppression effect .

  18. 移动数字电视调谐器中低噪声模拟滤波器的设计

    Analog Filter Design with Low Noise for Digital Video Broadcasting-Handheld Tuner

  19. 模拟滤波器到数字滤波器简单变换方法

    Research on a Simple Transform from Analogue Filter to Digital Filter

  20. 集成模拟滤波器非线性失真分析方法

    A method of analyzing nonlinear distortion in integrated analog filter

  21. 对侵彻测试研究的必要性和主要的研究方法及侵彻存储测试的国内外现状作了较为全面的介绍,详细讨论了如存储测试系统的电荷放大器、模拟滤波器的设计;

    The essence of penetration testing , method is introduced in detail .

  22. 变频测量前置模拟滤波器的研究

    The study on the filter design for variable frequency measurement

  23. 电流模式低电压低功率模拟滤波器设计方法综述

    Current-mode Low-voltage Low-power Analogy Filter Design Techniques : A Review

  24. 基于静电探测的模拟滤波器的研究

    Study on the Analog Filter Based on the Static Detecting

  25. 高精度数据采集系统中模拟滤波器的重要性

    The Importance of the Analogue Filter in Data Acquisition System of High Precision

  26. 连续小波变换的对数模拟滤波器实现

    Realization of log analog filter of continuous wavelet transform

  27. 基于开关电容电路的模拟滤波器的设计

    Analog Filter Design Based on Switched & CapacitorCircuits

  28. 其中,集成模拟滤波器的应用非常广泛。

    Integrated analog filters have been used broadly .

  29. 用线性模拟滤波器实现连续小波变换

    Realizing Continuous Wavelet Transform with linear Analog filter

  30. 模拟滤波器的设计程序

    A Program for the Design of Analog Filters