
  • 网络Electromagnetic sensor;electromagnetic transducer;MPU
  1. 通过实验研究,对电导/电磁式传感器测量机理进行了验证。

    Experiments are carried out to verify the measuring mechanism of conductance / electromagnetic sensor .

  2. 设计了用于气液两相流流动参数测量的电导/电磁式传感器测量系统。

    For gas-liquid two-phase flow parameters measurement , measuring system with conductance / electromagnetic sensor is designed and time-sharing operating mode is applied .

  3. 电磁式传感器在轴对称和非轴对称流速分布情况下的测量结果表明:弧状电极传感器受流速分布的影响较小,可以用于气液两相流参数的测量。

    The response of electromagnetic sensor to axisymmetric and non-axisymmetric velocity distribution shows that the sensor with concave-shaped electrodes is less sensitive to flow profiles and can be considered to measure two-phase flow parameters .

  4. 汽车电子点火器电磁感应式传感器PSPICE模型

    A PSPICE Model of Electromagnetic Sensor for Automotive Electronic Igniters

  5. 能自动匹配测速发电机、电磁式测速传感器和电磁涡轮流量计,适应电压峰峰值从1伏以下至300多伏、频率从1Hz以下至2500Hz以上的被测信号。

    It can automatically match rotational speed generator , electromagnetic rotational speed sensor and electromagnetic turbine flowmeter . Moreover it can adapted measured signal that is 1V ~ 300V voltage and 1Hz ~ 2500Hz frequency .

  6. 基于电磁式位置传感器的超声三维成像系统中的定标方法

    Calibration of 3D ultrasound imaging system based on magnetic position sensor

  7. 电磁式称量传感器,为高精度产品提供了可靠保证。

    Electromagnetic gauge transducer approves guarantee for high sensitive produces .

  8. 在试验研究和试生产的基础上,提出了两种新型的具有高灵敏度和抗错边性能的对接接头电磁感应式传感器。

    Two kinds of new electro-magnetic sensor have been studied on the basis .

  9. 电磁式位移传感器结构性能集成设计系统

    Structure Characteristic Integrated Design System of Electromagnetic Displacement Sensor

  10. 新一代电磁式称量传感器,使产品的进度有了可靠的保障。

    New generation of electromagnetic gauge transducer reliably guaranties the precision of zhe products .

  11. 时变场中导电导磁体的边界元素法电磁式电导率传感器初探

    A boundary element method for an orebody with electromagnetic conductivity in a time-variable field

  12. 电磁式振动传感器的理论研究

    Theoretical Research on the Electromagnetic Vibrating Sensor

  13. 电磁式流量传感器电路设计

    Circuit Design of Electromagnetic Flow Sensor

  14. 本研究提出了一种利用普通的电磁式速度传感器检测超低频绝对振动信号的技术方案。

    This research offers the technical scheme of detecting ULF Absolute Vibratory signal by the normal electromagnetism rate transducer .

  15. 实验表明,本研究方案较好的解决了普通电磁式速度传感器不能检测超低频绝对振动问题。

    Test shows that this research can solve the problem of which the normal electromagnetism rate transducer can not inspect the ULF absolute vibratory .

  16. 简要地介绍了电磁式电导率传感器的实验装置和工作原理,同时也讨论了实验结果和应用。

    The experimental set - up and working principle of electromagnetic electrical conductivity sensor are briefly described . The experiment result and application are also presented .

  17. 本文主要对电磁式位移传感器专家系统的电磁性能进行研究,该电磁式位移传感器主要应用于飞机,用来对舵机的震动、位移等参数进行测量。

    This paper mainly researches the electromagnetic capability of the LVDT , which applies to airplane , and measure the shake and displacement of the rudder .

  18. 电磁式计程仪传感器由于工作在海水中,易被腐蚀,导致速度信号难以正确传送,因而是故障的主要发生区域。

    On account of working on the sea , electromagnetic sensor which is a major outbreak of the fault , is susceptible to corrosion , resulting to the error in the transmission of speed signal .

  19. 其中发动机速度传感器、车速传感器采用电磁式速度传感器,变速器输入轴速度传感器采用霍尔式速度传感器;离合器接合位置传感器采用直线位移传感器;选挡行程、换挡行程传感器采用角度传感器。

    The engine and vehicle speed measurement use electromagnetic speed sensors . The transmission input shaft speed measurement use a Hall-type speed sensor . The clutch position sensor use a linear motion sensor , and to measure shift gears position use two angle sensors .

  20. 电磁式涡街流量传感器的研究

    Research of Electromagnetic Vortex Flow Sensor

  21. 在目前的工业应用中,传统的电磁式角位移传感器仍占有重要的地位,但是这些电磁式检测手段由于各种局限,其测量分辨率难以进一步提高,因而无法满足许多高灵敏度测量的需要。

    While the electro-magneto types of angular displacement sensor still have a significant position in the industrial world nowadays , their intrinsic limitations disqualify them for use in high-sensitivity detections , as far as their not-so-advanced resolution is considered .

  22. 轮速传感器是汽车ABS的重要组成部分,由于霍尔式轮速传感器具有适应车速范围宽,抗干扰能力强的优势,逐渐取代传统电磁感应式轮速传感器。

    The wheel speed sensor is one of the key components in Anti-lock Brake System . Because of having wide measurement range for wheel speed and strong anti-interference ability , hall wheel speed sensor has been substituting traditional electromagnetic induction wheel speed sensor .

  23. 阐述了电磁式井下液体流速传感器的设计原理、结构和研制样品的实验结果。

    The authors set forth fundamentals and structure of electromagnetic induction flow sensor of liquid into the oil well .

  24. 为了摆脱电磁干扰对磁电式传感器的影响,通过对光纤光栅加速度传感器力学模型分析,建立了加速度与波长变化间的数学模型,设计了低频光纤光栅加速度传感器。

    To avoid the interference of electromagnetism to magnetoelectric sensors , a mathematical model between acceleration and wavelength was proposed with the analysis of fiber Bragg grating acceleration sensors ' mechanical model , and then a low frequency fiber Bragg grating acceleration sensor was designed .

  25. 20世纪60年代,人类发明了光纤,由于光纤具有很好的电磁绝缘性,所以光纤电压传感器被认为是传统的电磁式电压传感器的很好的替代品。

    The fiber has a very good electromagnetic insulation , so fiber-optic voltage sensor is considered to be a good substitute of the conventional electromagnetic voltage sensor .