
  • 网络Voltage accuracy;Voltage Set-point Accuracy
  1. 这种方法适用于具有任意n个模块的逆变器并联系统,能够更有效的抑制环流(相对普通电感)并且不影响并联系统的稳态电压精度。

    This method has such advantages as suitable for any parallel inverter system with n modules , better performance on restraining circulating current ( compared to uncoupled inductors ) and no influence on the steady voltage accuracy of parallel system .

  2. 本文讨论了TFT有源矩阵的性能,描述了在像素电极上充电或放电的电压精度要求,介绍了TFT-LCD的最新进展。

    The requirements of charging or discharging voltage accuracy on pixel electrode is described . The recent progress of TFT-LCD is also reported .

  3. 分析表明这种控制方法兼有鲁棒性能和最优性能,降低了单纯H∞控制方法的保守性,提高了电力系统的稳定性,并能满足电压精度的要求。

    The stability feature of the power system is improved . The requirement of voltage regulation accuracy is satisfied .

  4. 研究了一种单节锂离子电池保护芯片与系统,并成功设计了低功耗、高检测电压精度的保护IC。

    The paper researches the chip and system of Li-ion battery protection for single-cell pack and successfully designs protective IC with low power and high precision detector threshold .

  5. 传统的LDO通常应用于需要低噪声、高电压精度和快速电流响应的场合。

    The traditional LDOs are used in the fields where low noise , high voltage precision and quick current response are needed .

  6. MPPT充电时能快速跟踪外界条件的变化,且稳态震荡小,提高了光伏电能的利用率;过充和浮充时电压精度高,可延长蓄电池的使用寿命。

    The MPPT charge rapidly tracking of external conditions change , and the steady-state concussion is little , so that this charge controller can improve the utilization of solar-energy , and high in accuracy in over-charging and float-charging stages , and prolong the life of battery .

  7. 电源管理器件输出电压精度的分析

    Analysis of Output Voltage Precision for Power Supply Management IC

  8. 基于稳定性和电压精度协调控制的新型模糊励磁调节器

    Fuzzy excitation controller based on coordinative control of voltage precision and system stability

  9. 同时改善稳定性和电压精度的非线性励磁控制器

    A Nonlinear Excitation Controller to Improve both Power System Stability & Voltage Regulation Accuracy

  10. 系统成本低,延时短,开关速度快,输出电压精度高。

    This system cost lower , delay times shorter , switching speed faster , output volt-age accuracy higher .

  11. 计算机仿真结果表明,所设计的控制律可有效地提高发电机的稳定性和电压精度。

    The computer simulation shows that the proposed control law may improve power system stability and voltage regulation accuracy .

  12. 本文给出了几种提高固体激光器电源充电电压精度的有效途径。

    In this paper , the effective ways of Increasing charged voltage of power supply of the solid laser are given .

  13. 理论分析证明并联系统的输出阻抗减小,输出电压精度提高。

    Theory analysis proves that the output impedance of parallel system is reduced and the precision of output voltage is improved .

  14. 该芯片具有实现电路简单、输出电压精度高、功耗低、芯片面积小等优点。

    The PFM controller of DC-DC converter has the advantages of high precision , simple architecture , low power consumption and small IC footprint .

  15. 应用该方法设计的非线性励磁控制器不仅可以有效地改善电力系统的稳定性,而且还可以满足电压精度调节的要求。

    The nonlinear excitation controller thus obatined can not only effectively improve the power system stability , but also satisfy the requirement of voltage regulation accuracy .

  16. 由系统仿真提供的结果表明,双随机调制方式中引入马尔可夫链,在不影响连续功率频谱特性的前提下,能有效地改善变换器的输出电压精度。

    As a result , the dual randomized modulation scheme based on Markov chain can not only improve electromagnetic compatibility of power converters , but also reduce output voltage fluctuations .

  17. 实验结果表明,设计的开关变换器输出电压精度高,纹波小,效率最高达到88%,适用于低压大电流的负载设备。

    Experimental results show that the output voltage of the designed converter has high precision , small ripple and up to88 % efficiency , suitable for low-voltage high-current load devices .

  18. 该控制电源具有高速扫描,电压精度高,系统更新方便,脱机自动完成配置等单片机所无可比拟的优点。

    It is of many advantages as high speed scanning , more precise voltages , updating automatically , configuration without computer , which the single chip system can not compared .

  19. 在逆变器输出端串联电感能够较好地抑制并联逆变器模块间环流,其缺点是降低了并联系统的稳态电压精度。

    Individual inductor connected between the inverter ′ s output terminal and the load can restrain the circulating-current well with the disadvantage of reducing the steady-state voltage accuracy of parallel system .

  20. 低压差线性稳压器以其高集成度、高性价比、外围电路简单、输出电压精度高等优点,具有广阔的市场前景。

    Low-drop-out linear regulator has a large anticipated market for its many advantages such as high integration , high performance price ratio , simple peripheral equipment and high precise output voltage .

  21. 由于电源的开关频率远远高于雷达的重复频率,电源输出电压精度得到大大提高,电源可以实现安静地运行。

    As the result of the switching frequency is higher than the pulse repeat frequency ( PRP ) of the Radar 's transmitter , the high precision of the output voltage can easy achieve , the running of the power supply is silence .

  22. 特别是在各组输出负载电流变化较大的应用中,交叉调整率成了一个很困难的问题,不受控的输出组电压精度很难保证。

    This limited the apply of flyback converters in multiple-output switch supplies , especially in apply of flyback converters with different groups of changeable load current , cross regulation become a big problem , it is difficult to ensure the uncontrollable output voltage precision .

  23. 正极材料(二硫化铁、二硫化钴)后处理是热电池的一项关键技术,其作用主要是控制热电池放电初期的电压精度。

    The post-processing of cathode material ( FeS2and CoS2 ) is a key technology for the thermal battery of Li / / FeS2 ( CoS2 ) . Its main function is to control the voltage accuracy of the thermal battery during the initial discharging .

  24. 介绍了一种闭环控制的高精度相移器,输出电压精度为0.1%,相移器重复误差小于3°,用该相移器的电子散斑干涉计量系统测量精度可达λ/100。

    The error of the output voltage is less than 0.1 % and the error of the phase shifter is less than 3 degrees . The ESPI measuring system with the phase shifter described in this paper can reach a precision of λ / 100 .

  25. 一种低电压高精度CMOS基准电流源设计新技术

    A New Process Technology for Low Voltage Precision CMOS Current Reference

  26. 采用数字PI调节,提高了稳态时输出电压的精度和稳定性。

    With the digital PI modulation the output voltage of the power supply is very precision and stabilization .

  27. 对于高分辨率ADC来说,参考电压的精度对整个设计是至关重要的。

    For high resolution ADC , the accuracy of reference voltage is critical for the whole design .

  28. 数值仿真结果表明,该新型励磁调节器在稳态时具有同PID一样高的电压调节精度,动态过程中则能明显提高系统阻尼特性,具有满意的控制效果,并对系统工况变化具有一定适应性。

    Numerical simulations show that , the designed excitation controller possesses the voltage regulation precision as that of PID controller in steady state , improves the system damping performance in dynamic state and obtains satisfying control effect .

  29. 一种低电压高精度125MHz采样/保持电路

    A Low-Voltage High-Resolution 125-MHz Sample and Hold Circuit

  30. 该电路产生的0~10V程控可调直流电压,精度高,稳定性好,非常适合在高精度等级的标准信号源中作为直流电压基准。

    This circuit can output program controlled highly precise and extremely stable 0-10V DC voltage , thus works perfectly as a high precision adjustable DC voltage reference device .