
  • 网络Electro-Mechanical Engineering;mechatronic engineering
  1. AUCOPLAN能够整合电气和电子机械工程、自动化技术和流程工程规划相关的数据和文件。

    AUCOPLAN integrates data and documents from electrical and electro-mechanical engineering , automation technology , and process engineering planning .

  2. 总部位于格兰瑟姆的电子机械工程公司BGBEngineering年营业额达2500万英镑,其中95%都来自出口。眼下,它在印度和中国的业务正经历着快速增长。

    BGB Engineering , a Grantham-based electro-mechanical engineer , exports 95 per cent of its £ 25m turnover and is growing rapidly in India and China .

  3. 也加入了皇家电子机械工程队,并同样在所有的课程中迅速脱颖而出。

    He also had been commissioned into REME and had likewise shot ahead in all the courses .

  4. 在加入了皇家电子机械工程队之后,他接受了一系列课程和实践训练,掌握了英国所有军用无线电和雷达设备的操作技术。

    After being commissioned into REME , a series of courses , sandwiched with practical experience , had taught him about all the radio and radar equipment used by the British forces .

  5. 介绍了机械结构优化设计这一现代设计方法的研究与应用进展,并列举了我国电子机械工程方面的部分优化研究工作。

    The paper reviews the research and application advances of the design optimization of structural and mechanical systems . And some research on the design optimization of electronic machinery engineering in China have been summarized .

  6. 电力电子、机械工程、控制、生物等很多领域的很多科学问题要用非光滑函数建立的模型来刻画,因而需要用非光滑(或分段光滑)动力系统理论来分析研究。

    In the domains of power electronics 、 mechanical engineering 、 control and biology , the models of lots of scientific problems are described by non-smooth functions . Therefore , it is necessary to develop non-smooth ( i.e. , piecewise smooth ) dynamical systems theory to study these problems .

  7. 有趣的是,尽管全书是在讲LEGO机器人的各种部件,但大部分的小节实际上都是电子工程、机械工程,或计算机科学领域中的简短课程。

    It was interesting to see that most sections , although kept in the context of LEGO parts , are actually short lessons in electrical engineering , mechanical engineering , or computer science .

  8. 本科学历,电子工程,机械工程,电子机械工程或物理等相关专业;

    Bachelor degree , major in electronic engineering , mechanical engineering , electro-mechanical engineer or physics related ;

  9. 电子,机械或工程,物理,化学或材料科学学士或硕士学位。

    Bachelor or Master Degree in Electrical , Mechanical , Industrial Engineering , Physics , chemistry or Materials Science .

  10. 彼得主修电子工程,不是机械工程。

    Peter 's scholastic discipline is electrical engineering , not mechanical .