
  • 网络measurement bandwidth;MBW
  1. 频率稳定度时域测量带宽的若干问题

    Some Problems of Measurement Bandwidth in Time Domain Frequency Stability

  2. 通过仿真模拟证实了方案的正确性和可行性,并对系统的灵敏度,频谱分辨率和有效测量带宽进行了量化讨论分析。

    Computer simulations are implemented to prove the correctness and feasibility of the system . The sensitivity , the spectral resolution and the effective measurement bandwidth of the scheme are also quantitatively discussed .

  3. 其中,前两种方案基于微波频率到光功率比映射的方法,实验得到了10GHz的测量带宽。

    The first two approaches are based on microwave frequency to optical power mapping , in which a measurement range of 1-10 GHz is realized .

  4. 系统的测量带宽达25Hz~2MHz。

    Measurement system bandwidth of 25Hz ~ 2MHz .

  5. 测量带宽和精度高;

    Wide measuring range and high accuracy .

  6. 系统对于不同的测量带宽与精度等要求,确定发射信号的长度和数据采样频率,完成自动扫频测量。

    The system determined the length of output waveform and data sampling frequency , referring to different testing bandwidth and precision , then completed the automatic sweep test .

  7. 实验表明,谐波频谱技术由于受频谱仪内部噪声和测量带宽的限制不适合测量低抖动高重复频率的光脉冲。

    The experiment shows that the harmonics spectrum analysis technology is not suitable for measurement the laser pulses which has the low jitter and high repetition rates since the bandwidth limit and the large internal noise of spectrum analyzer .

  8. 对几种陀螺反馈惯性空间稳定技术进行了详细叙述和对比,得到了采用高测量带宽的陀螺反馈回路可以有效提高系统隔离度,并推导出系统隔离度的计算公式。

    Several kinds of gyroscope inertial stabilization technology are described and their comparison is made . The investigation indicates that gyroscope feedback loop with higher measurement bandwidth can effectively enhance the system ′ s disturbance isolation capability , and the formula for calculating system disturbance isolation capability is derived .

  9. 脉冲法测量光纤带宽的误差分析

    Analysis of the Measurement Accuracy on the Optical Fiber Bandwidth by Pulse Method

  10. 时域法测量光纤带宽的双高斯拟合理论

    Bi-Gaussion sitting theory measuring fibers band in time domain

  11. 网络环境的复杂性造成测量网络带宽面临巨大困难。

    Measuring network bandwidth faces big challenges caused by the complexity of different types of network .

  12. 该方案可在较大回路时延和时延抖动环境下稳定运行,由可用带宽波动引起的响应可被完全抑制,且不需要测量可用带宽信息。

    The scheme can operate under the environments of larger round trip time and variation of time delay . The response caused by the oscillation of available bandwidth is restrained fully .

  13. 其中时延测量对于可用带宽测量、网络拓扑推测和网络QoS(QualityOfService)测量具有重要意义。

    Delay measurement among such techniques , which have significance to available bandwidth measurement , network topology speculate and network QoS ( Quality of Service ) measurement .

  14. 为了补偿由于拾振器及其测量系统有限带宽而使测量结果产生的测量误差,本文提出了一种用FIR横向滤波器来恢复拾振器原始输入信号的方法。

    In order to compensate the measurement error of measuring result caused by limited band of a vibration pick-up and its measurement system , a method for recovering the original input signal of the vibration pick-up using FIR transversal filter is presented .

  15. 切换方案的最小带宽应该为DUT的带宽,最好是等于任何高频源和测量设备的带宽。

    The switching solution should have as a minimum the bandwidth of the DUT , and preferably equal to the bandwidth of any higher frequency source and measurement equipment .

  16. 一种基于主动测量的有效带宽测量模型研究

    Research on an Available Bandwidth Measurement Model based on Active Probe

  17. 采用正弦调制测量光纤陀螺带宽的方法研究

    Study on the Bandwidth Measurement Method of Fiber Optic Gyroscope with Sine Modulation

  18. 提出了一种在陀螺设计和装配阶段采用正弦调制法测量光纤陀螺带宽的方法。

    In this paper , a sine modulation method used to estimate the bandwidth in FOG design and assembly phase is presented .

  19. 相关研究都未考虑节点间的异构特性,本文提出一种简单的、分布式、具有间接测量节点上行带宽功能的覆盖网络拓扑自适应优化算法。

    This paper proposed an overlay topology adaptive optimization algorithm , which is simple , distributed and with the ability of measuring node upload bandwidth directly .

  20. 主要贡献包括两路半握手连接建立机制,速率控制和基于测量的动态带宽分配算法,以及基于发送方主动请求的延迟确认技术等。

    Main contributions include a reliable two-and-half-way handshake connection establishment mechanism , rate control and a measurement-based adaptive bandwidth allocation algorithm , and a delayed acknowledgements technique based on active sender-request .

  21. 分析结果表明,振速水听器不失真测量的工作带宽取决于其与水介质的密度比、波尺寸、与弹性连接构成振动系统以及加速度计自身振动系统的特性参数。

    The results indicate that besides density and dimension , the bandwidth of velocity hydrophone with good fidelity is decided by the characters of both vibration systems , the external suspension system and the accelerometer itself .

  22. 为了准确测量LED的调制带宽,专门设计了一个VLC系统作为实验平台,详细阐述了LED调制带宽的测量原理及实验过程,并总结了实验中遇到的问题和相应的解决方案。

    In order to accurately measure the LED modulation bandwidth characteristics , This thesis designed a VLC system as experimental platform , elaborate LED modulation bandwidth of the measurement principle and experimental process , and summarizes the problems encountered in the experiment and the corresponding solutions .

  23. 时差法相关测量中信号的带宽越宽,互相关函数的峰值点的峰值优势越大,其测量的抗干扰性能越好。

    In time-difference correlation measurement the broader the bandwidth of source signal is , the larger the superiority of peak value will be , thus the better the anti-jamming performance .

  24. 信号测量传感器的响应带宽、间歇性存在的电磁干扰、气体间隙被击穿时瞬态高频振荡及地电位暂态升高等因素会干扰被测信号,甚至会导致被测信号局部干扰严重。

    The response bandwidth of measurement component , intermittent electromagnetic interference , and transient high-frequency oscillation when insulating gas gap is brokendown can affect the measured results of electrical signals , especially lead to a short-duration disturbance on the measured signals .

  25. 研究了微机械振动轮式陀螺仪的工作原理和实现方法,提出了保证测量精度,提高动态测量带宽的闭环控制系统。

    This paper introduces the principle , sensitivity of the micromachined vibratory wheel rate gyro and develops a close loop control system to improve the accuracy as well as the dynamic properties .

  26. 四元分组测量模型:一种测量网络瓶颈带宽的新机制

    Packet Tetrad Model : A New Method for Measuring Bottleneck Bandwidth

  27. 在交流有效值测量时引入频域补偿算法,减小测量误差,扩宽了测量带宽,提高了响应速度。

    Frequency compensation algorithm is present in RMS measurement , it can reduces the measurement error , widens the measurement bandwidth and improve the response speed .

  28. 分析与实验表明,此方法的测量结果准确度较好,分布比较集中,测量时间较短,并能有效减少测量带宽;

    Theoretical analysis and simulations show this method is accurate , with less probing time and low bandwidth expense .