
  • 网络temperature measuring system
  1. ARM及在Linux在高精度测温系统中的应用

    The Application of ARM & Linux in High Precision Temperature Measuring System

  2. 热电偶测温系统的误差分析与处理

    Error Analyzing and Dealing in the Thermal Couple Temperature Measuring System

  3. 基于Internet的光纤测温系统研究

    Research of Internet Optic Fibre Temperature Sensor System

  4. 基于DataSocket技术的远程铂电阻测温系统

    Remote Pt-Resistance Temperature Measure System Based on Data Socket

  5. 所以开发一种可以通过Internet网络进行远程数据交换的分布式荧光光纤测温系统在工程实践中具有十分重要的意义。

    Therefore researching a kind of Internet distributing temperature sensor system is significant for engineering practice .

  6. 基于DSP和CCD的图像测温系统的设计

    Design of image temperature measure system based on DSP and CCD

  7. 基于BP神经网络的红外测温系统温度标定方法

    The Demarcating Method of Infrared Measuring Temperature System on the BP Neural Network

  8. CCD比色测温系统在水泥篦冷机中的应用

    Application of temperature measurement system by CCD for cement cooler clinker

  9. 基于FPGA的高精度红外测温系统的研究与实现

    Research and Implement of High-Precision Infrared System of Temperature Measurement Based on FPGA

  10. 采用无线RF技术的高压开关柜实时测温系统

    Real-time Temperature Measurement System of High Voltage Switchgear by RF Wireless Technical

  11. WSN与AGENT在变电站无线测温系统控制中的研究

    Research of WSN and AGENT of Wireless Temperature Detecting System Control in Transformer Substation

  12. 激光熔池CCD测温系统的软件设计研究

    Study on Design of Laser Molten Pool Temperature Field Measurement Software by CCD

  13. 最后搭建了试验室条件下的测温系统平台,使用Visualc++语言开发了数据采集程序。

    Finally the temperature measurement system platform is built up and temperature acquisition program is developed with Visual C + + .

  14. 设计并构建了CCD测温系统,完成了对系统的标定。

    The CCD measurement system is calibrated .

  15. 研制了一套激光熔池CCD测温系统专用软件,用于激光熔池温度场分析。

    Special software for laser molten pool temperature field measurement system by CCD was developed .

  16. 基于DSP的分布式光纤测温系统及高速数据采集与处理

    A distributed optical fiber temperature measurement system based on DSP and it 's high-speed data acquisition and processing

  17. 本文针对转管炮炮壁温度测试过程中存在的测试环境恶劣、干扰多等特点,设计了基于K型热电偶的离线式测温系统。

    So an based on the K-type thermocouple temperature measurement system of the off-line is designed in the article .

  18. 基于VB的无线测温系统的研究

    Study on wireless temperature monitoring system based on VB

  19. 介绍了采用PIN硅光电二极管作光接收器件实现的一种被动式实时测温系统。

    A passive temperature measurement system using PIN photodiode as a pyroelectric detector was proposed .

  20. 基于VB的在线红外测温系统

    Infrared Temperature Measurement System Online Based on VB6.0

  21. 基于MAC(3D)的红外线检测车分布式测温系统的设计

    Design of Distributed Temperature Acquisition and Control System in Infrared Examination Car Based on MAC_ ( 3D ) Digital Controller

  22. 基于最小二乘法的电力电缆FBG传感测温系统

    Fiber Bragg Grating Temperature Sensing System of Power Cables Based on Least Square Method

  23. 文章论述了基于Windows操作系统实时测温系统的研究与实现,重点介绍了该系统的硬件结构和软件设计。

    This paper introduces the design and realization of temperature checking based on Windows operation system , the hardware structure and design of software system .

  24. 文章论述了一种基于RS-485网络的分布式测温系统。

    This paper introduced a distributed temperature mea-suring system based on RS-485 bus .

  25. 基于LS-SVM的热敏电阻测温系统非线性校正

    Nonlinear calibration for NTC thermistor temperature measurement system based on LS-SVM

  26. 多点智能测温系统在VAV系统室内环境测量中的应用

    The Application of Multi-channel Intelligent Temperature Measure System in VAV Environment Parameter Measuring

  27. 光纤喇曼测温系统中APD增益稳定的研究

    Research on Stability of the Gain of APD in Fiber Raman Temperature Sensor

  28. 基于后向喇曼散射测温系统APD最佳雪崩增益分析

    Analysis of Optimal APD Avalanche Gain in Distributed Temperature Sensor System Based on the Raman-Backscattering

  29. 基于1-Wire总线的嵌入式测温系统设计

    Design of Embedded Temperature Measurement System Based on 1-Wire Bus

  30. 本文设计的基于彩色CCD的非接触式测温系统有较高的准确性、可靠性,价格低廉,操作方便,易于推广,因而具有极高的实用价值和广阔的应用前景。

    The tricolor temperature measurement system researched in this dissertation is of high accuracy , reliability , low price , easy to handle , fine practical value and a prosperous future .