
  • 网络BULB
  1. 介绍了热力膨胀阀应用于空调制冷系统的几个问题:过热调整不当、感温包常见故障、容量匹配及膨胀阀冻结故障等。

    Some problems as incorrect adjustment on the degree of superheat , general failure of the thermometer bulb , matching of the capacity and freezing of the TEV are presented .

  2. 温控器安装时感温包只能水平安装和垂直向下安装,否则会出现温度不稳定现象。

    When installing temperature controller , temperature sensor shall be put horizontally and vertically , Otherwise the temperature is unstable .

  3. 毛细管只能对流量做微小的调节,热力膨胀阀的感温包有明显的延迟特性。

    Capillary can only do minor adjustments for flow rate and the temperature wrap of thermal expansion valve has obvious characteristics of delay .

  4. 介绍了YV-6/8型空气压缩机改造方案,温包安装、工作原理及控制原理。

    This paper introduces the improvement way of YV - 6 / 8 type air compressor , installing temperature bag , working principle and control principle .

  5. 与传统的感温包控制的机械式风门温度控制器相比,这种新的控制器自身控制精度高,与间冷式冰箱的整体自动控制系统结合得更好。

    Compared with the traditional control system , this new system gives higher accuracy , and more easily to be combined with the whole control system of refrigerator .

  6. 感温包既是温控阀的驱动元件,也是流体的感温元件。感温包内的感温蜡性能的好坏直接影响温控阀的工作状况。

    The sensitive wrap is not only the temperature component , but also the driver of the thermostatic valve , the performance of the wax directly affects the working status of the valve .

  7. 并对热媒回水温度要求低时热交换设备的选择、容积式水加热器温包的设置位置两个技术问题进行了探讨。

    Some technical points such as the selection of heat exchanger under condition of low temperature demand of heat media return water and the setup location of the warm water tank for the volumetric water heater are discussed .

  8. 同时在电池包散热设计中做了以下设计:电池包冷却方式(气冷还是液冷)、电池包冷却风温、电池包通风方式。

    The thermal design includes : battery pack cooling ( gas or liquids ), air temperature , battery pack ventilation .