
  • 网络steady state;steady-state characteristics;Steady State Characteristics of PMLSM with Vary Load-Ratio
  1. 导出了描述CCC结构直流系统稳态特性的数学模型,主要由15个基本方程构成。

    The mathematical model representing the CCC-HVDC system 's steady-state characteristics is derived , which is composed of15 basic equations .

  2. 该文基于串联谐振半桥逆变器稳态特性的分析,指出金卤灯(MH)LCL电子镇流器在可靠性方面所存在的问题。

    Based on the analysis of the steady-state characteristics of series resonant half bridge inverters , the potential dangers for the reliability of the LCL ballasts for metal halide lamps ( MH ) are studied .

  3. 采用(f、b、0)坐标法,推导出适用于分析异步电动机在变频调速时稳态特性的基本表达式。

    A basic formula is derived from f 、 b 、 0 , Which is applied to analyse the steady properties of asynchronous motors in adjusting frequency .

  4. 利用大型有限元软件MAGNET分别仿真了样机的静态特性、瞬态特性和稳态特性。

    Using large finite element simulation software MAGNET , we simulated the static , steady state and transient characteristics of the prototypes .

  5. PI算法有比较好地稳态特性,稳态误差小,但是超调量大,响应时间长。

    PI algorithm work better in steady-state , steady-state error is small , but overshoot is large , response time is long .

  6. 本文基于WAMSLight数据,对电网实测数据在稳态特性和动态特性上进行了统计学分析。

    In this essay , steady and dynamic characteristics of measured data are statistically analysed based on data obtained from WAMS Light .

  7. 最后,该控制系统用MATLAB软件仿真,结果表明控制器有很快的响应速度,良好的动态和稳态特性。

    Finally , the control system is simulated in MATLAB software . The results show that this controller designed has fast response , good dynamic and steady-state performance .

  8. VSC-HVDC稳态特性与潮流算法的研究

    Study on the steady characteristic and algorithm of power flow for VSC-HVDC

  9. 本文通过求解热库中有源LC电路的密度矩阵方程,研究电路状态的时间演化及其稳态特性。

    The time-dependent properties and the steady state features of a quantum LC circuit with a source in a thermal bath are studied .

  10. CPL系统的非稳态特性包括启动特性和运行时所表现出的不稳定特性。

    The CPL non-steady characteristics consist of start-up and non-steady operation characteristics .

  11. 其次,建立了磁通开关发电机的数学模型,应用MATLAB软件建立了非线性仿真模型,并应用该模型对发电运行方式的动、稳态特性进行了仿真分析。

    Secondly , based on mathematic model of FSG , a non-linear simulation model is built in MATLAB , which is used to analyze static and dynamic characteristics of generating operation .

  12. 常规PID控制具有算法简单,可以改善系统的动态特性和稳态特性的优点,因而被广泛的应用于张力控制系统中。

    Because the algorithm of the conventional PID controller is simple and can improve the systematic dynamic characteristic and the steady characteristic , it is widely applied to tension control system .

  13. 介绍了G型π桥溢流问的工作原理和稳态特性,指出G型π桥溢流间有利于提高控制系统效率和改善控制品质。

    The G-type π bridge overflow valve is introduced on its work principle and stability feature , and presented that it has advantage to improve the control system efficiency and modify the control quality .

  14. PIV技术可用于瞬时体积流量的测量以及流场非稳态特性的研究。

    This confirms that the PIV system can be applied to measure the instantaneous volume flow rate and investigate the unsteady characteristics .

  15. 在设计和分析CPT系统时,选定参数下,系统软开关工作点及其稳态特性是设计人员最为关心的问题。

    In CPT system design and analysis , the soft-switching operating points and their steady-state characteristic are the most concerned points .

  16. 分析了传统的通过研究系统原理从而建立模型方法的局限性,尝试通过实验数据,并以BP神经网络为工具,对所研究的天然气发电机组进行了建模,并做出了系统的稳态特性曲线;

    Analyses the limitations of traditional modeling methods which through study the system theories , attempts to use BP nerve network and experimental data to build the model , then paints the stable status model curves ;

  17. 碲镉汞p-n结光电二极管稳态特性的计算机模拟

    Computer simulation of the steady state characteristics of p-n junction photodiode for hg_ ( 0.8 ) cd_ ( 0.2 ) te

  18. 报道了一种新的高稳定的有机分子(SCN)可以和铜构成具有电双稳态特性的金属有机络合物。

    In this paper , a new metal organic complex constructed by copper and a highly stable organic molecule SCN , was reported .

  19. 给出了适于分析DFB激光器稳态特性的数值模型和分析振幅及频率调制响应特性的解析模型。

    A numerical model for steady state analysis and analytical expressions for the AM and FM modulation responses of DFB lasers are presented .

  20. 在模型基础上仿真分析和比较了2种典型控制方式下SOFC的稳态特性曲线(V-I和P-I特性)。

    Based on the SOFC model , steady-state characteristic curve operated in two different modes have been analyzed and compared .

  21. 在稳态特性方面,分析了变速恒频双馈风力发电机组的有功功率特性、无功功率特性和P-Q容量极限。

    At the aspects of steady characteristics , the active power , reactive power and P-Q capacity limit are analyzed .

  22. Raman-Nath型声光双稳系统的稳态特性与小讯号调制响应

    Steady State Behaviour and Modulation Response of a Raman Nath Acousto Optic Bistable System

  23. 通过由干扰观测器对电堆电流的前馈补偿,PEMFC发电系统的稳态特性及系统抗干扰能力大幅提高。

    By feedforward compensation of the estimated stack current yielded by the disturbance observer , the steady-state performance and the disturbance attenuation ability of the PEMFC system was significantly improved .

  24. 结果说明了设计合理的SFD不仅可以使系统具有良好的稳态特性,而且还可以使系统具有良好的加速特性;

    It is shown that the properly designed SFD ′ s have not only excellent steady state performance , but also better acceleration performance .

  25. LRC串联电路稳态特性的计算机仿真深海多体式浮式结构物稳性优化计算

    A Computer Simulation on the Steady-state Characteristic of LRC Series Circuit ; Optimal calculation on stability of MFS in deepwater

  26. GM-AGC的收敛性与稳态特性分析

    Analysis for convergence and steady-state characteristic of GM-AGC

  27. 该文通过建立开关磁阻电机(SRM)的等效磁网络模型,分析了新型两相励磁控制策略(TPE)下电机的稳态特性。

    In this paper , an equivalent magnetic circuit model of the steady state characteristics of the switched reluctance motor ( SRM ), under two-phase excitation , is investigated in detail .

  28. 在模拟过程中,针对aspenplus软件的稳态特性和实际工厂中参数的动态变化,着重考虑了因透平排汽量变化而引起的非线性做功问题。

    During the simulation process , according to the steady characteristics of Aspen Plus and parameters ' dynamic changes in actual factory Problem of nolinear doing work due to the change of turbine exhaust steam flow is taken into consideration .

  29. 运用Markov随机过程理论描述了混凝土坝筑块浇筑的状态转移行为和特征,并通过隶属度进行了仿真稳态特性的判别及筑块转移概率的计算;

    The theory of Markov stochastic process was used to describe the behaviors and characteristics of state transition for pouring dam-blocks , and the method of subjection degree was applied to evaluating the stable state characteristics of simulation and to calculating the probability of dam-blocks transition .

  30. 并以此为基础模拟出了以RTD为驱动器,以电阻或RTD本身为负载的电路双稳态特性,同时分析了RTD器件双稳态特性。

    A circuit , in which the RTD works as a driver and the resistor or the RTD works as load , is also simulated . The bistable characteristics are obtained and analyzed in details .