
  • 网络Frequency stabilized laser;FSL
  1. 用调制转移光谱技术研制微型全固体稳频激光器

    Development of solid state frequency-stabilized mini-laser by using modulation transfer spectroscopy

  2. 这对研制纵向塞曼稳频激光器有指导意义。

    These results are useful for design of such lasers .

  3. 这部分工作是设计双波长同时运转的稳频激光器的基础。

    The principle of dual-wavelength stabilized laser will be based on this paper .

  4. 提出了一种采用双纵模稳频激光器的新型绝对距离测量外差干涉仪。

    An absolute distance heterodyne interferometer using a dual longitudinal mode He Ne laser is proposed .

  5. 半导体泵浦Nd:YAG-KTP碘分子吸收多普勒展宽中心稳频激光器的射频系统研究

    A RF Control System For Frequency Stabilization Of Diode Pumped Nd : YAG-KTP Laser To Doppler-Broadened Absorption Line Center

  6. 文本用纵向塞曼双频稳频激光器作光源,提出了一种光学超外差法小平面角的精密测量方法。

    This paper discussed an opto-heterodyne technique for small-plane-angle measurement with a frequency-stabilized longitudinal Zeeman laser as the light source .

  7. 连续Nd∶YAG稳频倍频激光器

    Frequency stabilized and doubled Nd : YAG CW laser

  8. Rb原子饱和吸收稳频半导体激光器系统

    A Laser Diode System Stabilized on the Saturated Absorption Lines of Rubidium Atoms

  9. 633nm横向塞曼稳频He-Ne激光器充入自然氖实现拍频锁定的研究

    The lock-in of intramode beat frequency in a 633 nm frequency stabilized transverse Zeeman He-Ne laser filled with natural Ne

  10. 该测量装置以稳定度较高和抗干扰性强的双纵模热稳频He-Ne激光器为光源;

    The frequency-stabilized double longitudinal modes He-Ne laser with thermoregulation is used as light source , which has high stability of frequency difference and good anti-disturbance performance .

  11. 报道LD泵浦的全固化单频稳频Nd:YVO4激光器作为泵浦源的外腔谐振倍频绿光激光器。倍频腔采用半整块腔型,倍频晶体为MgO:LiNbO3。

    A frequency-doubled laser is pumped by an all-solid freqnency-stabilized Nd : YVO 4 laser , a MgO : LiNbO 3 is used as crystal and using a semi-monolithic external resonator .

  12. 分子泛频谱稳频半导体激光器

    Frequency Stabilization of Semiconductor Laser by Overtone Spectrum of Molecule

  13. 原子稳频半导体激光器的微处理器智能控制

    Atomic Frequency-Stabilized Diode Laser Intelligent Controlled by Microprocessor

  14. 采用同时满足热不灵敏与最佳倍频条件的六镜及四镜8字型环行谐振腔,设计了内腔倍频稳频Nd:YAP激光器。

    Frequency-stabilized and frequency-doubled ring Nd : YAP lasers with a 6-mirror cavity or a 4-mirror cavity have been demonstrated . The designed lasers satisfy conditions both of thermal insensitivity and of optimum frequency-doubling .

  15. 利用设计的干涉仪及控制系统研究染料激光的光束方向变化,并对它进行补偿,从而改善稳频染料激光器的频率稳定性。

    The change of dye laser-beam-direction is investigated by means of a designed interferometer and servo-system . Its automatic compensation is carried out thus improving the frequency stabilization of the fre quency stabilized dye laser .

  16. 与国家计量测试研究院的碘吸收稳频标准激光器拍频,频率稳定度为1×10~(-9)。

    Comparing with the iodine absorbing stabilized frequency standard laser national standard by the method of beat frequency , we found the frequency stability of this laser is 1 × 10-9 and it can work continuously over eight hours .

  17. 被动式稳频CO2激光器频率稳定度的测量

    Measurement of Frequency Stability of Passive Frequency Stabilized CO_2 Laser

  18. 利用这一点,验证了一种简单、灵活的方法对半导体激光器进行稳频,使激光器的线宽稳到小于1MHz。

    Accordingly , the authors demonstrated a kind of simple and flexible method to stabilize the frequency of diode laser . The linewidth of diode laser was reduced to less than 1 MHz using this method .

  19. 中国与新西兰的碘稳频氦氖激光器的比对

    Comparison of Iodine Stabilized He-Ne Laser Between China and New Zealand

  20. 四镜环行腔连续稳频钛宝石激光器

    CW Frequency-stabilized Ring Ti : sapphire Laser with Four Mirrors

  21. 双纵模稳频氦氖激光器的光谱与频率复现性分析

    Studies on the Spectrum and Frequency Repetition of Double-Mode He-Ne Laser with Frequency Stabilization

  22. 4.3μm荧光稳频的CO2激光器及其频率稳定度的拍频测量

    CO_2 Laser Stabilized by 4.3 μ m Fluoresence and Its Frequency Stability Measurement

  23. 提高稳频He-Ne激光器输出功率的研究

    Enhancement of Frequency Stabilized He Ne Laser Output Power

  24. 峰值稳频横向塞曼He-Ne激光器

    Peak frequency stabilized transverse zeeman He-Ne laser