
  • 网络stable compound
  1. 用此方法计算了Al-Ca及In-Sb两个二元系中稳定化合物的活度,计算结果与文献值吻合较好。

    The activities of stable compound in Al - Ca and In-Sb system has been obtained by using this method . The results are according well with the literary results .

  2. 同时,发现系统中存在一个介稳定化合物Gd2O3·2BeO。

    One metastable intermediate compound of Gd_2O_3 · 2BeO has been found .

  3. 分析了表面研磨法、等离子刻蚀法、浸蚀除钴法、沉积中间层法在衬底表面形成稳定化合物等预处理对CVD金刚石薄膜沉积的影响。

    The influence of the pretreatment methods by abrading substrate surface , plasma erosion , removing cobalt by corrosion , intermediate layer and forming stable compounds on substrate surface on CVD diamond films was stated .

  4. 二硼化钛(TiB2)是B和Ti的最稳定化合物,是一种具有优良物理化学性能的工程陶瓷材料,具有高熔点、高硬度、高模量、低比重和耐腐蚀等优点。

    As one of the most promising engineering ceramics , titanium diboride ( TiB2 ) possesses excellent physical and chemical properties such as high melting point , high modulus , low density , good chemical stability , high hardness and excellent electric conductivity .

  5. 用此方法计算了In-Sb二元系中稳定化合物的活度,经验证此方法是可行的,其计算结果与文献值吻合很好。

    By using this method , the activities of stable compounds in In-Sb system are obtained . It proves that this method is feasible .

  6. 若干热不稳定化合物的在束电子轰击质谱研究

    In-Beam Electron Impact ( IBEI ) Mass Spectrometric Study on Some Thermo-Labile Compounds

  7. 二元相图中稳定化合物活度的计算方法

    Method for Calculating the Activities of Compounds from Binary Phase Diagram Involved Stable Compounds

  8. 亮化:当身体吸收了日光后能增强例如血清素这样的情绪稳定化合物的效果。

    Lighten up : When the body absorbs sunlight , it enhances the effect of mood-stabilizing chemicals like serotonin .

  9. 据此,提出了一种由含稳定化合物的二元相图中化合物计算活度的新方法。

    Hereby a new method for calculating activities of compounds from binary phase diagram involved stable compounds is presented .

  10. 你随时都可以停止摇制不稳定化合物,晕眩持续时间和伤害取决于你摇制的时间长度。

    You can release Unstable Concoction at any time , the duration of the stun and damage is based on how long you charged it .

  11. 为此,通过人工湿地内部曝气提高湿地内部的溶解氧,改善湿地中微生物对污水中有机氮的氨化-硝化-反硝化反应和Fe2+氧化生成Fe3+,与PO43-结合形成稳定化合物。

    Therefore , wetlands were constructed to improve the dissolved oxygen by the aeration inside the wetland and process of ammonification - nitrification - denitrification of organic nitrogen by Microorganisms and oxidizing Fe2 + to Fe3 + so as to form stable compounds in wastewater .

  12. 因为DUAE采用了动态封闭的提取模式,减少了时间和溶剂的消耗,同时降低了性质不稳定化合物的分解与氧化的可能性,因此非常适合此类化合物的提取分析。

    The main advantages of the method were to reduce both time and solvent consumption , decrease possibility of decomposition and oxidation of the analytes due to application of ultrasonic energy in dynamic mode during extraction , and thus very suitable for fast extraction of the property-labile compounds .

  13. 用独特的毛细管流动法装置测定物质的临界温度和临界压力,该法具有体积小、升温迅速和受热均匀等特点,适于测定不稳定化合物的临界性质。

    A unique capillary-flow method apparatus was used to determine the critical temperatures ( T_c ) and ( critical ) pressures ( p_c ) . Such method has the advantages of simple structure , rapid heating-up and evenly-heated , and is suitable for determining the critical properties of unstable compounds .

  14. 不太稳定的化合物被转换成了一种叫做Delta-ATHC的化合物。

    The less stable compounds were converted into a compound called Delta-A THC .

  15. 轻元素B、C和N原子之间可以通过共价键结合形成稳定的化合物,具有丰富多变的成分配比、结构和物理性质,近年来开辟了材料科学中的一个极为活跃的领域。

    Study on the light element materials becomes a sparkling topic material research in recent years , because light element atoms can be covalently bounded to each other and form stable compounds , which have variable contents , structures , and physical properties .

  16. 结果表明,以PEG为内标的ESI/TOF质谱法可对不稳定碱性化合物的质子化分子离子(MH~+)进行准确质量测定,而且简便、快速。

    Using polyethylene glycol ( PEG ) as internal reference , ESI / TOF mass spectrometry can determine the accurate mass of the protonated molecular ions of the unsteady basic compounds . This method is simple and expeditious .

  17. 由以前的研究得知,AlP被认为是一种稳定的化合物,如果在中间合金中已经存在,则加入熔体中以后会迅速弥散,并直接作为初晶Si的形核衬底。

    It can be known from former researches that AlP is a stable compound , and that if it has existed in the master alloy it will quickly disperse and directly become the nucleus of primary silicon after the master alloy is added into Al-Si melt .

  18. 莫来石(3Al2O3·2SiO2)是Al2O3&SiO2系中唯一稳定的化合物,具有抗蠕变、抗热震、抗腐蚀性能好,熔点、剪切模量高,介电常数及介质损耗低等优异的性能。

    Mullite ( 3Al2O3 · 2SiO2 ) is the only stable compound of Al2O3-SiO2 with many excellent performances such as high creep resistance , excellent thermal shock resistance and corrosion resistance , high melting point , high shear modulus , low dielectric constant and dielectric loss .

  19. 稳定氟碳化合物涂层织物表面能的新方法研究

    A New Method of Stabilizing the Surface Energy of Fabrics Coated Fluorocarbon

  20. 三甲基膦形成更稳定的化合物。

    Trimethylphosphine forms the more stable complexes .

  21. 可以预见,这将会是更稳定的化合物,因为不再是一价正离子吸引一价负离子,而是二价正离子吸引二价负离子。

    And you would expect that that would be a much stabler compound because , instead of plus one attracting plus one , now you have plus two attracting minus two .

  22. 添加剂的加入,改变了钙基固硫剂中钙的化学形式,生成新的含钙化合物,它们与SO2反应活性更高,或形成了高温下更稳定的多元化合物;

    Some new compounds of calcium can be produced when additives are added to limestone or CaO , these new compounds are more active than CaO to react with SO 2 ;

  23. 结果表明,La在熔体中形成了稳定金属间化合物,凝固时促进了βFe相形核,同时La在βFe相表面富集,阻碍了βFe相长大。

    The results showed that La formed stable intermetallic compound in melt and promoted the nucleation of β Fe phase in recycled Al Si alloy during solidification . Meanwhile , the enrichment of La in surface of the β Fe phase restricted its growth .

  24. 这种改良后的孔雀绿方法采用了孔雀绿显色剂和钼酸盐,钼酸盐可与无机磷酸盐特异结合形成一种稳定的有色化合物。

    The improved Malachite Green method utilizes the malachite green dye and molybdate , which forms a stable colored complex specifically with inorganic phosphate .

  25. 稳定的Ca的化合物大部分在沉积物的内部。

    Most of stable Ca compounds is in the interior of the depositions .

  26. 一些不稳定Cp2TiAr2化合物在温和条件下的固氮研究

    Study on Nitrogen-Fixation Activity of Some Unstable Cp_2TiAr_2 Under Mild Conditions

  27. 以MgCl2·6H2O和AlCl3·6H2O为主要原料,利用化学共沉淀法制备MgO-Al2O3系中唯一稳定的二元化合物MgAl2O4粉末。

    MgAl 2O 4 , as the only stable binary compound in the MgO-Al_2O_3 system , is prepared by chemical co-precipitation method using MgCl_2 · 6H_2O and AlCl 3 · 6H 2O as raw materials .

  28. 拿一个化学式来打比方,比如氯化纳,是一种稳定而必要的化合物。

    I might compare it with the chemical formula NaCl , Sodium Chloride . It 's a stable , necessary compound .

  29. 近年来,壳聚糖微球对理化性质不稳定的多酚类化合物的微胶囊载体作用,引起了广泛重视。

    Public and scientific interest has been greatly intensified in the microcapsule carrier effects of chitosan microspheres on polyphenols with unstable physicochemical properties in recent years .