
  • 网络stabilized power supply;stabilized voltage supply
  1. 本文介绍一种为MNI-1U中性注入器研制的大功率长脉冲高压稳定电源。

    A high-power long-pulse high-voltage stable power supply ( PS ) for the MNT-1U neutral beam injector is described .

  2. Sang-WooKim和他的团队在三月的ACS周刊上报道过他们的发明,上面说这种布料用处远非局限于给个人电子用品充电,他们相信在需要稳定电源的生物医疗和其他个人健康小装置上都能大展身手。

    Sang-Woo Kim and this team who reported their invention in the March ACS journal say that the fabric 's use goes beyond charging personal devices . They believe it could also be useful in a range of biomedical and other personal healthcare gizmos that need a reliable power source .

  3. 达到高频率、可调节、控制性高的稳定电源系统。

    Achieve high frequency , adjustable , controlled high-power system stability .

  4. 大功率低纹波稳定电源用直流有源滤波器

    DC Active Filter for Large Power and Low Ripple Stable Supply

  5. 高精度、低纹波稳定电源用直流有源滤波器研究

    The Study on DC Active Power Filter for High Precision and Low Ripple Power Supply

  6. 稳定电源用直流有源滤波器的检测纹波电压控制方法

    Control Strategy of Detecting Ripple Voltage in DC Active Power Filter for Stable Power Supply

  7. 稳定电源的锁定技术

    Locking Technique of Stable Direct Supply

  8. MNI&1U中性注入器高压长脉冲稳定电源研制

    The development of a high voltage long-pulse stable power supply for the mni-1u neutral beam injector

  9. GB/T9093-1988测量用稳定电源装置

    Stabilized supply apparatus for measurement

  10. 三相交流稳压器具有稳定电源之功能,故电源品质的稳定是一个重要的课题。

    Many analog systems need a stable power supply voltage that does not vary with temperature and time in order to operate properly .

  11. 稳定电源是各种电子电路、电子设备所必不可少的动力来源,对于整个电路的重要性是不言而喻的。

    Voltage-stabilized power is an essential for a variety of electronic circuits and electronic equipment , its importance of the entire circuit is self-evident .

  12. 同时给出一种实用直流稳定电源的设计,并从稳压电源、稳流电源、DC-DC变换器三部分进行剖析。

    It gives a kind of the practical DC regulated power supply , and takes part regulated voltage supply . Regulated current supply and DC-DC converter .

  13. 现代社会科学技术和工农业生产的发展对电源技术提出了越来越高的要求。传统的稳定电源主要是蓄电池等化学电源。

    With the development of scientific technology and industrial & agricultural production in modern society , increasingly high demands have been proposed on power supply technology .

  14. 实验结果表明,由无源滤波器和有源滤波器构成的混合型滤波器能大大降低稳定电源的电流纹波和提高电源的稳定性。

    The results show that the hybrid filter consisting of passive filter and active filter can reduce current ripple enormously and improve the stability of the power supply .

  15. 对设计过程中需要用到的几个模块做了详细介绍:高精度可控稳定电源设计、精密矩形波的产生等。

    Besides that several critical modules in the design has made a detailed introduction , which is High accuracy controllable regulated power supply design , precise rectangular wave production and so on .

  16. 介绍了一种高精度、低纹波稳定电源用直流有源滤波器的工作原理和控制方法,在此基础上研制了实验装置。

    The basic concept and control strategy of DC active power filter used in a high precision and low ripple power supply are presented in this paper , and an experimental device is developed .

  17. 这种方法的显著优点是:在对传感器和电路元件精度要求不高的情况下,非常容易实现大功率直流稳定电源的低纹波要求。

    The advantage of this control strategy is easy to meet the requirements of low current ripple in DC stable power supply while the precision of the transducer and circuit components is not strictly requested .

  18. 本文先介绍了各种不同类型的直流稳定电源及它们的优缺点及所适应的场合。同时本文对近来发展较快的开关直流稳定电源进行了重点的介绍。

    At first , this paper introduces different kinds of DC converter and analyze their advantages and disadvantages . Then we can know which kind of DC converter is better in different working place . Meanwhile , this paper describes the switch-mode power resources greatly .

  19. 新型PWM-BUCK电子束焊机稳定高压电源的设计

    Design of stabilized high-voltage source with PWM-BUCK for electron beam welder

  20. 稳定直流电源用串联型有源电力滤波器研究

    Research on Series Active Power Filter for Stable DC Power Supply

  21. 一个高度稳定的电源供给光电倍增管所需要的高压。

    A well-regulated power supply provides the voltage for the photomultiplier .

  22. 加速器中高稳定度电源拓扑研究

    Study of the power supply topology with high stability for accelerator

  23. 一个强大和稳定的电源是绝对必备的。

    A powerful and stable power supply is absolute requirement .

  24. 非稳定直流电源放电地闪模式

    Ground flash mode of not stabilizing direct current power discharge

  25. 高稳定度电源设计的关键因素

    Key Factor on Design of Highly Stabilized Power Supply

  26. GWS-1型500瓦高稳定氙灯电源的研制

    The Manufacture of 500W High Stable Xenon Lamp Source

  27. 高稳定度电源电压基准研究

    Studies on basic voltage for high stability power supplies

  28. 高稳定度电源在核酸/蛋白紫外检测仪中的应用

    Application of a highly stable power supply in nucleic acid / protein UV analyzer

  29. 介绍了应用于稳定直流电源中的串联型有源电力滤波器的系统结构。

    The configuration of the stable DC power supply with a transformer-coupled series active power filter is described .

  30. 整个系统工作正常,能够为芯片系统提供稳定的电源与足够精度的参考电压。

    The entire system is working properly , can power the DC-DC chip with a stable voltage and provides a precision reference voltage .