
  • 网络Cutoff region;cut-OFF region;OFF;cut-off
  1. 说明通过截止区主要是高于截止频率的高频分量。

    It illuminates that the main part which transit cutoff region is high-frequency ponderance .

  2. 计算了波包穿越势垒的群速和能量速度,得到群速和能速与截止区长度的关系图,以及群速与激励源的工作频率的关系图。

    Then the graph of the changes of group and energy velocity with the length of cutoff region and the main frequency of the wave packet is received .

  3. 一种研究开导波结构中截止区辐射特性的有效方法

    An Efficient Method to Analyze the Radiation Characteristics in the Cutoff Region of Open Guiding Wave Structure

  4. 均匀折射率包层铌酸锂单晶光纤远离截止区的模特性讨论

    Discussion of the Far from Cutoff Modes Characteristics of Lithium Niobate Single Crystal Fiber with Uniform Refractive Index Cladding

  5. 根据实验结果,对控制风的调节特性进行总结,并划分为截止区、调节区、近饱和区、饱和区等区域。

    According to the experimental results , the regulating region of the aeration is subdivided into cut-off part , adjusting part , approximate saturation part and saturation part .

  6. 在20~36.85cm区域电场每经过1/4周期向右传播1/4波长,表现出行波特性。由此根据该计算结果将开放腔中的场从左到右分成4个区:截止区、驻波区、过渡区和行波区。

    The distribution of the field is divided into four regions , the cut-off region , the standing wave region , the transition region , and the traveling-wave region .

  7. 通过模拟得出,在一定的截止区长度范围内和一定工作频率范围内,群速超过光速;

    From the result of simulating , it is gained that when the length of cutoff region and the work frequency are in one range , group velocity is greater than the light speed in vacuum .

  8. 例如武汉截止去年建成区绿化覆盖率为37.42%,绿地率32.1%,人均公园绿地9.21平方米。

    As of last year , for example , Wuhan has built-up area of green coverage to 37.42 percent , the rate of 32.1 percent green space , public park 9.21 square meters per capita .

  9. 对一个典型的短波通截止滤光片,在波长1550nm,截止区和透射带宽均达到了200nm。

    The bandwidth of 200 nm for both rejection region and transmission band is obtained at wavelength 1550 nm .

  10. 根据该准则我们分离出泄漏效应和截止效应各自对衰减常数的贡献,并推导出在截止区内衰减常数的解析表达式.该表达式清楚地显示了截止区中大衰减常数低辐射效率的现象。

    Furthermore , the attenuation caused by the leaky and cutoff effect is determined in the cutoff region and the deduced expression reveals the phenomenon of large attenuation constant but with low radiation efficiency .

  11. 鉴于截止波导衰减标准的计算精确度要求很高,本文的讨论重点放在截止区。

    In view of the higher computation accuracy of the attenuation standard of cutoff waveguides , the discussion of this paper paid more attention to the cutoff region .