
  • 网络cross-sectional data;cross section data;cross sectional data;cross-section data
  1. 面板数据模型与横截面数据模型相比,具有以下优点:一是控制个体异质性(individualheterogeneity)。

    Compared with the cross-sectional data model , has the following advantages : one is the individual heterogeneity controlled individual heterogeneity .

  2. 本文依据世界106个国家的截面数据,分析了腐败对外国直接投资(FDI)的影响。

    Using the cross-sectional data of 106 countries , the thesis empirically examined the effects of corruption on FDI .

  3. 针对截面数据,研究其B样条曲面重建问题。

    Study the problem of reconstruction of B spline surface from the cross sections .

  4. 基于FPGA控制的截面数据采集模块接口

    Interface for Cross Section Data Acquisition Module Based on FPGA

  5. 方法:采用PANELDATA模型分析截面数据与时序数据混合的二维资料。

    Methods : Panel data model was used to analyse aggregated data of Cross Section ( CS ) and Time Series ( TS ) .

  6. 计算中使用的截面数据来自MC(87)n数据库。

    The cross - section data from MC ( 87 ) n library is used in this calculation .

  7. 对所获取的工件表面的轮廓测量数据,用B样条曲面拟合,给出了截面数据的B样条拟合算法。

    The method of knot vector determination in the processs of surface fitting is presented and the algorithm of B-spline surface fitting for profile data is given .

  8. 通过横截面数据调查,采用结构方程模型(SEM)的分析方法,对假设和理论模型进行验证和修正。

    After surveying the cross section date in the society , the supposition and theory model was confirmed and revised by structural equation model ( SEM ) .

  9. 本文采用横截面数据,运用主成分分析方法、对数线性模型及逐步回归方法,并结合怀特(White)异方差检验,对影响我国FDI区位选择的因素进行了实证分析。

    With the cross-sectional data , this paper employs the method of principal component analysis , log-linear model and White test to analyze to FDI 's location selection factors in China .

  10. 运用主成分聚类方法及PANELDATA数据模型,结合1994&2003年的时序截面数据,对我国农村区域消费水平与结构的差异进行静态与动态分析。

    The author makes a contrastive analysis of consuming level and structure in china 's rural areas by using principal component analysis and Panel Data Model along with time serial and section data between 1994 and 2003 .

  11. GMM方法不仅在通常的截面数据或时间序列数据中有着重要的应用,它在PANELDATA模型中的相关理论与方法也具有重要的理论意义和研究价值。

    Despite it has an important application in regular cross section data or time series data , GMM method has the important theoretic meaning and researching value in panel data model .

  12. 在基于特征的反求工程中,基于截面数据的曲面重建技术和基于特征曲面逼近的曲面重建技术已经有相当广泛和深入的研究,形成了比较完整的反求工程CAD建模理论。

    In feature based reverse engineering , surface reconstruction based on sectional curves and surface approximation has been broadly and deeply investigated . A feature based reverse engineering CAD modeling theory has been formed .

  13. 利用改进的Glauber模型对非奇异核核反应总截面数据的拟合

    Fitting the data of non-exotic structural nuclear total reaction cross section with a corrected Glauber model

  14. 而目前对所有权结构与绩效关系的研究通常使用截面数据(Cross-SectionalData),采用普通最小二乘法(OLS)进行估计。

    And the study on ownership structure and performance relation usually uses the sectional data ( Cross-Sectional Data ) at present , adopt the ordinary least square method ( OLS ) to estimate .

  15. 以城镇中等收入居民为研究对象,通过对2000年省际横截面数据的研究发现,中间阶层的收入份额表现出线性下降的趋势,实证检验拒绝了库兹涅茨倒U假设。

    The present research , focused on the middle-income urban population , and based on 2000 's provincial statistic data , demonstrates that the relative income level of this group shows a linear decline .

  16. 首先,对于截面数据给出了基于统一节点矢量的NURBS曲面蒙皮与拟合方法,避免了利用节点插入算法存在的节点相容性问题。

    Firstly , for the cross-sections , given the uniform knot vectors a fitted NURBS surface can be produced by skinning , and the algorithm avoids the problem of knot compatibility by knot insertion .

  17. 运用Bennet分解法对2000年截面数据的分析则具体说明了造成其他省市与上海R&D强度差异的产业结构影响的大小。

    A Bennet decomposition on the cross-sectional data in 2000 illuminates the size of structural effect to the differences in R & D intensity between other provinces and Shanghai .

  18. 介绍了FIR滤波的原理和FPGA设计,采用FPGA实现正弦信号的数字正交解调,并对其进行了功能验证,提高了截面数据采集系统的实时性能。

    A FIR filter along with a digital IQ demodulation were designed and implemented in FPGA . Functional validation to the digital IQ demodulation was performed to show that this structure can improve the real-time performance of the data acquisition system .

  19. 第七章分析了人口流迁制度与户籍制度,用截面数据检验了与人口有关的数据对户籍人均GDP与常住人口GDP的影响。

    Chapter Seven analyses the relation between the population move and the registered residence institution , using the panel data to check the effect of the population on GDP per capita by registered permanent residence and GDP per capita by total population .

  20. 截面数据有全截面、弹性散射、非弹散射、(n,γ)、(n,2n)截面,多群全套中子数据还包括次级中子角分布和能谱。

    The cross section data include ones of total , elastic scattering , inelastic scattering ,( n ,γ) and ( n , 2n ) reactions . The angular distribution and spectrum of secondary neutron are also included for multi-group complete set neutron data .

  21. 常见的蒙特卡罗模拟程序,如MCNP,EGS4等都自带了各种介质的截面数据,而剂量计算的一个重要步骤就是得到人体组织的属性参数&质量密度和化学组成。

    To perform the dose calculation with Monte Carlo codes such as MCNP , EGS4 and so on , it is necessary to calculate the mass density and element weights of tissues .

  22. 本文引入产权结构变量修正了传统的S-C-P(结构行为绩效)分析框架,并基于该框架利用截面数据模型实证分析了2000~2004年间以产权改革为主导的中国银行业绩效的影响因素。

    This paper introduces ownership structure as an determinant for performance into the traditional S-C-P ( Structure-Conduct-Performance ) analytical framework .

  23. 对Ar~(2+)与Li,Na碰撞过程中由于单电子俘获而产生的Arll谱线进行了绝对测量,给出各谱线的发射截面数据。

    Absolute measurements of emission cross sections have been performed for the lines from Arll excited states in Ar ~ ( 2 + ) + Li and Ar ~ ( 2 + ) + Na collision .

  24. 用扩展线性支出系统模型(ELES)分别对城乡居民的消费支出结构进行了时间序列数据和横截面数据分析。

    The expenditure compositions of urban residents and rural residents matched in comparison are quantitatively analyzed using longitudinal time-sequence data and cross section data by employing ELES model .

  25. 利用90年代截面数据,分析国际旅游支付与人均GNP的关系,建立一个回归模型反映国际旅游支付;

    The relation between the international tourism payoff capacity and per capita GNP is analyzed and a regression model was put forward to reflect the international tourism payoff by using the sectional data at 1990s .

  26. 本文得出以下结论:(1)在基于截面数据的实证分析中,2006、2007年的回归模型均通过了F检验;2006年最终进入回归方程的自变量个数多于2007的。

    This article draws the following conclusion : ( 1 ) During the empirical analysis based on the cross-section data , the regression model in 2006 and 2007 passes through F test ; the variables entering the final regression equation in 2006 is more than the ones in 2007 .

  27. 本文利用横截面数据,采用琼斯模型、修正琼斯模型、Healy模型计算盈余管理变量。

    This paper uses three models ( Jones Model , Modified Jones Model and Healy Model ) to caculate earning management by cross-sectional datas .

  28. 利用1996年世界116个国家的截面数据,分析了铁路网密度与人口密度、人均GDP的关系,建立了一个统计模型来反应国家铁路网建设的宏观需求;

    This paper analyses the relationship between railway density with population density and per capita GDP in international , on the basis of the section data of 116 countries in the world at 1996 , and setup a statistic model showing macro demand of a country ′ s railway net .

  29. 利用90年代的截面数据,分析了国际旅游支出与人均GNP(国民收入)的关系,建立一个回归模型可作为国际旅游支付标准线;

    The relation between the national tourism payout capacity and personal GNP is analyzed on sectional data of 30 countries in ′ 90s . A regression equation as a standard line of national tourism payout capacity is put forward .

  30. 利用文献中给出的截面数据,引入高频放电激励CO2激光器的Boltzmann方程,对其进行数值求解,研究了频率对电子能量分布及输运系数的影响。

    The Boltzmann equation is applied for the CO 2 lasers excited by high frequency switching power , it has been solved numerically using cross section data available in the literature . The influences of frequency on the electron energy distributions and transport coefficients are also studied .