
  • 网络DSB;dsbsc;Double-sideband modulation, DSB
  1. 分析了RoF系统中双边带调制对系统带来的影响,以及单边带滤波对窄带光纤光栅反射光谱和反射率的要求。

    The effect of double sideband on the performance of radio over fiber system is theoretically analyzed , and the requirements of single sideband filtering to reflective spectrum and reflectivity of narrow-band fiber Bragg grating are discussed .

  2. GB/T4461-1992热双金属带材抑制载波的双边带调制

    Thermostatic bimetal strips double-sideband suppressed-carrier modulation

  3. 然而,由于传统的强度调制或相位调制的模拟光链路一般都采用双边带调制,所以光纤的色散效应将导致输出信号的功率发生周期性衰减。

    However , chromatic dispersion ( CD ) of the optical fiber would lead to spectrally periodical power fading because a conventional intensity or phase modulated APL employs double sideband ( DSB ) modulation .

  4. 对于模拟调制方式,基于决策论的算法可以识别调幅、调频、单边带和双边带等调制类型。

    The analogue modulation recognizer utilized the decision-theoretic approach that a set of decision criteria for identifying different types of modulations is developed .

  5. 振幅调制是信号处理中的关键步骤,它直接决定了输出发射器的工作效率和质量,可采用的振幅调制方案有双边带振幅调制、单边带振幅调制以及正交振幅调制等。

    Amplitude modulator is a committed step in the signal processing , it has determined to output working efficiency and quality of the launcher directly . Adoptable amplitude modulate scheme have double sideband amplitude modulator , single sideband amplitude modulator and quadrature amplitude modulator etc.

  6. 在分析双边带和单边带调制的性能后,采用移相法实现RF脉冲的单边带幅度调制,并给出了具体的实现算法和仿真。

    After comparing with the performance of double sideband modulation and single sideband modulation , Single sideband modulation based on phasing was used for RF pulse modulation , which can cut down the peak power of RF pulse transmitter and achieve a precise phase .

  7. 提出了独特的基于双边带和单边带调制下的数字预失真线性化查找表更新算法。

    In this part , a unique digital pre-distortion linearization method that based on the LUT table algorithm is proposed to meet the two different modulation methods required in RFID system , the double-side-band ( DSB ) modulation and the signal-side-band ( SSB ) modulation .