
  • 网络two-way paging
  1. 美国的移动邮件业务是实用主义的商务产品,介绍其双向寻呼移动邮件黑莓(Blackberry)。

    The wireless Email in US is a kind of practical product for commerce . This paper introduces Blackberry , which is a two-way paging Email .

  2. 双向寻呼和个人移动信息系统的近期发展

    Recent Development of Two-way Paging and Personal Mobile Information System

  3. 主要介绍无线寻呼技术的一些新进展,特别是高速寻呼、双向寻呼和语音寻呼,对三种高速寻呼协议FLEX,ERMES和APOC进行了简单评述。

    This paper deals with the new advances in the radio paging technology , especially the high speed paging , two way paging and voice paging , and gives a brief evaluation of the three high speed paging protocols & FLEX , ERMES and APOC .

  4. 双向寻呼&寻呼市场的新契机

    Two - way Radio Brings New Life to the Paging Market

  5. 无线寻呼新业务&双向寻呼和语音寻呼

    The New Radio Paging Services & Two Way Paging and Voice Paging

  6. 寻呼新概念&双向寻呼网络系统

    A New Concept for Paging Service-Two Way Paging Network System

  7. 男被访者它相当于一个双向寻呼网络。

    UNIDENTIFIED MALE It 's the equivalent of a two-way paging network .

  8. 论述了双向寻呼网络系统的工作原理、通信链路、网关及漫游,总结了双向寻呼网络系统的优点。

    This paper discusses the working principle , link , gateway , roaming of the two-way paging network system , and concludes advantages of the system .

  9. 介绍了无线寻呼新业务&双向寻呼和语音寻呼的特点、频率配置和天线分布等。

    This paper introduces new radio paging services & Two way Paging and Voice Paging , including the features , allocation of frequency and distribution of antenna .

  10. 双向寻呼的诞生为寻呼服务注入了新的活力,它可实现自动漫游登记、确保消息送达并具有回发消息的功能。

    The advent of the two - way paging service with the functionality of automatic roaming registration , message delivery confirmation and answer brings new life to the paging market .

  11. 双向无线电寻呼的制式选择原则和发展策略

    The Selective Principle and Developing Strategy of Two way Paging