
  1. 投资者对哈耶克(Hayek)家族寄予很大信任,该家族通过双层股权结构控制斯沃琪公司,并在经营中扮演关键角色。

    Investors are putting a lot of trust in the Hayek family , which holds key roles and keeps control via a two-tier share structure .

  2. 此外,与其他双层股权结构公司中的标志性大股东比如逐步优雅地淡出耐克(Nike)的菲尔o奈特不同的是,拉尔夫对产品设计和品牌战略方向仍然发挥着至关重要的作用。

    Also , unlike other iconic majority holders in a dual-class structure company like Phil Knight at Nike ( NKE ), who exited gradually and gracefully Ralph remains critical to product design and the strategic direction of the brand .

  3. 在瑞典,少数几个股东“圈子”通过投资控股公司和双层股权结构(赋予他们较所持股权更大的表决权)来向一系列公司施加影响。

    In Sweden , a few shareholder " spheres " exert influence over an array of companies through investment holding companies and two-tier equity that gives them more votes than their economic stakes would imply .