
  1. 的确,我们也很难用只言片语来概括我们需要的一对一培训、辅导和咨询解答。

    Indeed , it is difficult to overstate the value of one-to-one training , mentoring and counseling .

  2. 这个培训项目侧重于创业,形式包括一对一培训,专业化课程及演讲,参观考察当地科学园区和孵化园区。

    The training will focus on entrepreneurship and will include individual coaching , specialized courses and presentations , and visits to local science parks and incubators .

  3. 个人单独培训:本门提供对个人及其子女进行一对一口传心授培训服务。

    Individual specialized training : We offer one-to-one special training and also for kids too .

  4. 必要时提供一对一的培训。

    To deliver one-to-one training when appropriate .

  5. 苹果的零售店通过创新的特色,诸如天才吧,个人设置和一对一个性化培训帮助消费者了解他们的苹果产品,树立了消费者服务标准。

    Apple retail stores set the standard for customer service with innovative features like the Genius Bar & # 174 ;, Personal Setup and One to One personal training to help customers get the most out of their Apple products .

  6. 方法确立一对一护理导师培训制度;制订培训计划、管理制度和考核方法。

    Method The one-to-one nursing tutorial system , including training plan , management and examination measures , was established .

  7. 无论在什么情况下,这些迹象都表明你需要跟他们进行一对一的额外培训。

    In any case , all good signs that you may want to carve out some time for additional one-on-one coaching .

  8. 无论是一对一的个人培训、小组培训还是机构培训,系统的培训方法都适用。

    It is equally applicable whether you are working one to with a learner , with a group or with an entire organisation .

  9. 方法:采用层级培训管理模式,对125名护理人员进行一对一的护理培训,注重工作过程中的培训,定期进行效果评估和反馈。

    Methods : The hierarchy training management model was performed and125 nurses accepted one-to-one nursing training , which emphasized the nursing process and regularly evaluation and feedback .

  10. 老爸们接受一对一的梳辫子培训,内容包括马尾辫、麻花辫还有基本的发髻。

    Dad gets one-on-one training in pony tail , braid and bun basics .

  11. 星云开始招收一对一游戏修改程序培训,详见软件说明。

    Nebula began to take one-on-one games to amend the training , see Note software .

  12. 亚洲促进会将挑选其中一个成瘾者机构,进行一对一的培训,以帮助其发展几本的研究技能。

    Asia Catalyst will select one IDU group for one-on-one coaching in the organization 's office , to help the IDU group to master basic research skills .