
  • 网络investor relationship;investor relation
  1. 这家金融服务集团不仅具备投资者关系协会(investorrelationssociety)推荐的最佳实践特征,而且还以有说服力的方式与读者互动。

    The financial services group not only had the most best practice features recommended by the investor relations society , but also engaged with readers in a compelling way .

  2. 在本周二的BusinessInsiderIgnition大会上,贝佐斯承认他平均每年只花6小时在投资者关系上。

    Onstage at the Business Insider Ignition conference on Tuesday , the chief executive admitted that he dedicates just six hours per year to investor relations .

  3. 该公司与大投资者关系牢固。

    The corporation has strong links with big investors .

  4. IPOs低效定价与投资者关系的研究

    Study on IPOs Underpricing and Investor Relation

  5. 我国上市公司投资者关系管理(IRM)研究

    China 's Investor Relations Management ( IRM ) of Listed Companies

  6. 美国投资者关系协会(nationalinvestorrelationsinstitute)近期进行的另一项调查发现,仅有略超过半数的美国上市公司每季度提供收益指导,比2003年减少了三分之一。

    Another recent survey , by the national Investor Relations Institute , found that just over half of US-listed companies offered earnings guidance every quarter , down by a third from 2003 .

  7. 投资者关系协会推荐向希望下载或打印整个报告的读者提供pdf文件。

    The IRS recommends that PDF files be provided for readers who want to download or print out the whole report .

  8. 投资者关系管理(IRM)是近年来在我国出现的新事物。

    Investor relationship management ( IRM ) is a new method in China .

  9. 然而,Lin表示他无法确认这笔资金是否已经支付,而该公司投资者关系部的电话却无法拨通。

    However , Mr Lin said he was unable to confirm whether the payment had been made , while telephone calls to the investor relations department went unanswered .

  10. 在这里,本文介绍了基于股份回购、投资者关系管理(IRM)和知识管理的价值提升策略。

    The Share Repurchase , Investor Relationship Management and Knowledge Management was introduced in this part .

  11. 本文以XY公司为例,从投资者关系管理的现状、面对的问题,及思考其解决途径出发,对投资者关系管理进行了研究。

    The author chooses XY Companies as an example to study the status of investor relation management and the problems .

  12. 怡富资产管理公司(JFAssetManagement)香港投资者关系部门主管DanielChui表示,可悲的是,恐怖事件似乎越来越频繁地发生在新兴市场和发达市场。

    ' Sadly , terrorism seems to be a more frequent occurrence in emerging and developed markets , 'said Daniel Chui , JF Asset Management head of investor communications in Hong Kong .

  13. 社交网站“已经让类似情形的事态发生了变化,”多伦多的投资者关系咨询师理查德魏特翰(richardwertheim)表示。

    Social networking sites have " certainly changed the dynamics of a situation like this " , says Richard Wertheim , a Toronto investor relations consultant .

  14. 投资者关系管理理论(IRM)在较为成熟的资本市场中,已经明显成为学者们研究的热点,其理论与实践研究已广泛存在。

    In the mature international capital markets , the investor relation management ( IRM ) has become the central issue in the theoretical study and practical application .

  15. 近年来,我国证券市场上欺诈隐瞒事件令人触目惊心,显现了我国上市公司在投资者关系管理(IRM)方面的严重缺失。

    In recent years , fraud and disguise leave us all speechless from shock in our country stock market , and show that IRM of our country listed company imperfect and absent seriously .

  16. 以及PPD时常在向美国证券交易委员会呈报的文件中详细列出的其他风险因素,您可向PPD投资者关系部门免费索取这些文件的副本。

    These and other PPD risk factors are set forth in more detail from time to time in our SEC filings , copies of which are available free of charge upon request from PPD 's investor relations department .

  17. 本文搜集了IRM百强企业2004至2006年的IRM得分、财务数据和审计报告等资料,用实证研究的方法,设计出两个模型,以考察投资者关系管理对上市公司盈余质量的影响。

    Then we collected their IRM scores , financial data and audit reports from 2004 to 2006 , and designed two models to study the relationship between IRM and the listed companies ' earnings quality .

  18. 裕元的投资者关系总监岑立(JerryShum)表示,此次罢工涉及该公司不到5%的中国员工,不会对公司经营产生实质性影响。

    Jerry Shum , head of investor relations for Yue Yuen , said the strike involved less than 5 per cent of the company 's China workforce and would not have a material impact on its operations .

  19. 机构持股对上市公司投资者关系管理影响研究

    The Influence of Institutional Investors ' Share-holding on Investor Relationship Management

  20. 中国证券市场投资者关系管理的发展逻辑

    Development Logic of Investors ' Relationship Management in Chinese Stock Market

  21. 如果有必要,了解投资者关系和卖方。

    Reach out to investor relations and sell-side if you must .

  22. 投资者关系管理;信息披露;披露成本;

    Investor Relations Management ; Information Disclosure ; Disclosure Cost ;

  23. 因而,投资者关系管理是上市公司战略管理的重要组成部分。

    Therefore , IRM is a significant part of corporate strategy management .

  24. 上市公司对投资者关系管理的分析与研究

    The Analyses and Research for Investors Relation Management of the Listed Company

  25. 投资者关系管理的信息披露和沟通这两个维度会通过治理结构影响投资满意,公共关系这一维度在会通过财务绩效影响投资满意的同时,也会对投资满意产生直接的影响。

    Information disclosure and communication influence investment satisfaction via governance .

  26. 对我国上市公司开展投资者关系管理的探讨

    A discussion about developing investor relations management in listed company

  27. 治理环境、董事会效率与投资者关系管理

    Governance Environment , Board Efficiency and Investors Relation Management

  28. 投资者关系管理中的博弈分析及工作核心

    Game Theory of IRM and the Core of IRM

  29. 上市公司投资者关系管理与公司价值研究

    Study on the Relation between IRM and Corporate Value

  30. 中国工商银行延边州分行投资者关系研究

    Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Branch of Yanbian State Investor Relations Research