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tóu shēng
  • be reborn;be reincarnated in a new body;leave home and seek livelihood
投生 [tóu shēng]
  • (1) [be reborn;be reincarnated in a new body]∶投胎,托生

  • (2) [leave home and seek livelihood]∶外出谋生

  • 他离家乡去广东投生

投生[tóu shēng]
  1. 如果因为这件事,我们当中的一些人,变得懂得深思、懂得怜悯,即便这个善念只有短短数个小时,愿如是功德能让小悦悦投生净土。

    If a few of us became contemplative , kind and compassionate even if it is for a few hours because of this incident , may the merit from it make little Wang Yue be reborn in the pure realms .

  2. 对Oa来说,这就等同于是选择生存还是死亡,以及他是否会为当前投生的大古鲁而死去。

    For Oa this equated to a choice to live or die and whether or not he would die for the big gurus currently incarnate .

  3. 崇拜半神人的,便投生半神人中;

    Those who worship the demigods will take birth among the demigods ;

  4. 我羡慕你们,在这艰难时刻投生的人们。

    I envy you , those who are incarnated at this very difficult time .

  5. 在当前人类中,有很多人在此生是携带海豚鲸鱼或大自然的灵魂而投生的。

    Many in current human form incarnate this lifetime with dolphin-whale or nature souls .

  6. 他带着这些深植于他灵魂中的经历投生至地球。

    He incarnated into the earth with these most recent experiences ingrained in his soul .

  7. 金童投生在一个姓梁的穷人家,取名叫梁山伯;

    Jintong voted born in a poor family named Liang , and took the name of Love ;

  8. 那时,佛佗正投生在贝拿勒斯,是一位闻名于世的老师。

    At that time the Enlightenment Being was living the life of a world famous teacher in Benares .

  9. 基督灵魂最后一次投生是作为加利利(勒斯坦北部一多山地区)卑微的木匠,拿撒勒的耶稣。

    The Christ soul 's last incarnation was as the humble carpenter from Galilee , Jesus of Nazareth .

  10. 询问灵魂你可以做什么来实现你灵魂们投生到这一肉体中的使命。

    Ask soul what you can do to fulfill upon your souls mission for incarnating into this form .

  11. 我们说在某些人的情况中,他们已经偏离了他们在投生之前所选择的道路。

    We say that in the context of someone who has strayed off the path they chose before incarnating .

  12. 投生的选择通常在怀孕时作出,这时由父母打开通往尘世的通道。

    Choice of incarnation is usually made at conception , when the channel for expression is opened by the parents .

  13. 这次是松树王国同意来支持祖先跟今天投生的所有人类相联系。

    This is the Pine Tree Kingdom that has agreed to support the ancestors in connecting with all humans incarnate today .

  14. 这种投生叫作二根因结生,具有慷慨和善意,但缺乏智慧。

    The rebirth is then called'a two-root-condition rebirth ' , which is accompanied by generosity and goodwill , but lacks wisdom .

  15. 从她们对他投过来的那种目光,他看出他还是没有投生的好;因此他急忙退出。

    From the look they gave him he saw that he had better never have been born ; he hastily withdrew .

  16. 飞狮是一种第五维度形体的、仍投生在你们太阳系太阳中的龙。

    Winged Lions are a form of dragon that remains incarnate upon your solar sun and as a fifth dimensional form .

  17. 红族人投生在这一土地上,并拒绝以任何代价将这一矿物提供给亚特兰蒂斯的统辖者。

    Red nations peoples were incarnate upon this land and refused to provide this mineral unto Atlantean governance for any price .

  18. 当灵魂开始投生至肉身中,神圣的意识进入动物的第一次投生就开始了。

    When the soul first incarnated into flesh , this began the first incarnation of the divine consciousness into an animal .

  19. 如果缺乏强烈意愿做善事,结果就是只有慷慨和善意两善根的投生。

    However , if you lack zeal in doing good , the result will be a rebirth with only generosity and goodwill .

  20. 这样投生的人不能得定或不能证道,这是由于缺少相应的智慧的缘故。

    A person reborn in this way cannot attain absorption or the Noble Path as they lack the innate intelligence for it .

  21. 有些人甚至相信这个最近故去的老师是基督的一次投生,且是“第二次归来”。

    Some even believe that the ascension teacher that recently passed is an incarnation of Christ and is the " second coming " .

  22. 这些国家,当其由于所投生其中的人类进行提升而提升时,将很自然地再次找回自己的力量。

    Such nations , as they ascend due to the ascension within the humans incarnate therein , shall naturally find their own power again .

  23. 耶稣,同一个灵魂的最后一次投生,是第一个以肉身完全表明基督意识的人。

    Jesus , the final incarnation of that same soul , was the first human to fully manifest the Christ Consciousness in the flesh .

  24. 正是由于痛苦,这些族类和我,地球母亲不再连接,随之进一步投生的灵魂不再和身体连接。

    It is from the pain that such races disconnected from I , Earth Mother , and the souls incarnate further disconnected from the form .

  25. 实际上,这个人拥有基督的血统,但是其它20亿投生在地球上的人类也同样拥有基督的血统。

    Indeed this individual holds lineage to Christ ; but so do2 billion other humans currently incarnate upon earth also hold direct lineage to Christ .

  26. 当发动战争的灵魂阵亡后再投生至物质世界,这个国家就会遭受战争。

    When the souls who committed a war die and are born again into the physical world , a war will be committed upon that nation .

  27. 但愿我能投生在无忧树郁郁葱葱的密林里,投生在布林达的村庄中,那里姑娘们搅动牛奶做奶酪。

    If only I could be born , under the shady Asoka groves , in some village of Brinda , where milk is churned by the maidens .

  28. 我经历了每一世的好运和恶运,及每一世的死亡,又一再地投生。

    I lived through again the good and bad fortune of each life and my death in each life , and came to life again and again .

  29. 基督灵魂在这些肉身投生之后,认识到有必要为人类设立一个模式,以向他们显示回归上帝之路。

    The Christ soul realized after these assumptions of human flesh that it was necessary to set a pattern for humanity , to show them the way back to God .

  30. 还有很多茧子,投生前的蝴蝶,正在墓里梦想未来的岁月,她也任它们粘在杉树干上,在那喷香、光滑而幽黑的树皮上。

    And many an antenatal tomb , where butterflies dream of the life to come , she left clinging round the smooth and dark edge of the odorous cedar bark .