
  • 网络Projective module
  1. Im(s),则tS∈sS。在第二章中,我们引进了纯投射模,并且研究了纯投射模的性质,讨论了它与纯稳定自由模之间的联系。

    Im ( s ), then tS C sS for all s , t ∈ S.In the second chapter , the author introduce pure projective module , and discuss the relations between pure projective module and pure stably free module .

  2. 作为投射模的向量空间

    The Vector Space As A Projective Module

  3. 当r是左右∏凝聚环时,给出每个f.g.自反模是投射模的一个充分条件。

    When R is left and right Π coherent ring , a sufficient condition which every f. g. reflexive module is projective is given .

  4. 本文证明了若半∑准投射模是弱n满投射的,则其自同态环的稳定秩至多为n,从而部分推广了文献[3]的&个主要结果。

    We prove that the endomorphism ring of semi - ∑ - quasi-projective module P has stable range at most n provided P is weakly n-epi-projective . Consequently , we partially generalize a main result in [ 3 ] .

  5. 对交换环定义了广义PF环的概念,即一切具有常数秩的有限生成投射模都为自由模的交换环。

    A generalization of PF rings relative to commutative rings : rings all finitely generated projective modules with constant rank of which are free is defined .

  6. 上三角矩阵Artin代数上Gorenstein投射模的构造

    The Construction of Gorenstein Projective Modules over Upper Triangular Matrix Artin Algebras

  7. ZIF环上有限生成投射模的自同态环

    Endomorphism Rings of Finitely Generated Projective Modules over ZIF Rings

  8. 本文运用投射模的分解理论,通过计算同调不变量ToTm~(?)(Z,Z)来研究代数K&理论中非常重要的切除问题。

    In this paper , the author , using the resolution theory of projective modules , studies the important excision problem in algebraic K-theory by calculating the homological invariant Tor_m ~ A ( Z , Z ) .

  9. 在QF环上讨论了强模的性质,用Gorenstein投射模刻画了QF环。

    Finally , it discussed the properties of strong module in QF rings , and characterized QF rings by virtue of Gorenstein projective modules .

  10. 一类其R-投射模是投射的环(Ⅱ)

    Rings over which all R - projective modules are projective (ⅱ)

  11. 半∑准投射模自同态环的稳定秩

    Stable Range of Endomorphism Rings of Semi ∑ Quasi Projective Modules

  12. 最后对根投射模的自同态环进行了讨论。

    Finally , the endomorphism ring of radical-projective modules is discussed .

  13. f-投射模的直积和正向极限

    Direct Product and Direct Limit of f - projective Modules

  14. 环的约化群与群环上的投射模

    Reduced Groups of Rings and Projective Modules over Group Rings

  15. 用直投射模刻划完全环和半完全环

    Characterizations of Perfect Rings and Semiperfect Rings Using Direct-projective Modules

  16. 给出了I-投射模的定义及M是I-投射模的等价条件,讨论了I-投射维数、整体I-投射维数等相关性质。

    The definition of I-projective module and I-projective dimension are introduced and characterized .

  17. 关于有限生成投射模为自由模的环

    Rings in which finitely generated projective modules are free

  18. 关于投射模的一般自由补

    On the generic free complements of projective modules

  19. 关于极大投射模、PFP-模和H-有限生成模

    On Max-projective 、 PFP-module and H-finitely Generated Module

  20. 关于有限生成投射模的进一步结果

    Further Results on Finitely Generated Projective Modules

  21. 关于伪投射模的若干讨论

    Some Discussions of the Pseudo-projective Modules

  22. 包含投射模的几乎可裂序列

    Almost Split Sequence Containing Projective Module

  23. 伪投射模的特征

    Characterizations of pseudo - projective modules

  24. 多项式环上的投射模

    Projective Module Over Polynomial Ring

  25. 遗传环上的投射模

    Projective Modules over Hereditary Rings

  26. 投射模的局部化特征

    Local characterizations of projective modules

  27. FCG-投射模和FCGP-环

    FCG-projective Modules and FCGP-rings

  28. 引进了拟主投射模的概念,给出了它们相关性质,由此对弱投射模进行了新的刻画。

    It has introduced that quasi-principally projective modules , and get some new characterizations of weakly projective modules .

  29. 本文刻划了包含投射模的几乎可裂序列,给出以投射模为首项和中间项的几乎可裂序列的特性。

    We describe the properties of the almost split sequence containing projective module as the first term and the middle term .

  30. 本文给出并证明了右遗传、右完备环上投射模的对偶模仍然是投射模。

    This Paper gives and proves the dual module of a projective module over aright hereditary and right perfect ring is stil projective .