
  1. 文章从我国公立高等教育的投资来源结构层面进行研究,分为六部分。

    The article studied our publicly-owned higher education from the angle of investment source structure .

  2. 对中国实际利用外商投资来源地区结构的分析、对资本外逃与实际利用外商直接投资的相关性分析和格兰杰因果检验以及世界银行的相关统计均支持这一观点。

    An empirical examination further confirms the close relation between the estimated capital flight and foreign direct investment in China , which is additionally supported by the Granger causality testing .

  3. 运用多元统计分析中的聚类分析对1991年以来公路投资的资金来源结构进行了实证分析,以反映资金来源结构的变动状况。

    By means of Cluster Analysis Chapter Two demonstrates on the capital source structure of highway investment from 1991 in order to reflect on the change of capital source structure .

  4. 第二章描述了中国农业投资来源、总量、结构的情况,并分析了中国农业投资存在的投资不足、结构不合理、投资架构不健全等主要问题。

    Chapter two describes the sources of investment total amount and structure of China 's agriculture , and also are the main problems in agricultural investment such as low investment , unscientific structure and unwholesome investment construction analyzed .

  5. 运用统计数据分析了我国市政公用设施的投资规模和资金来源结构,指出了投资不足是我国市政公用基础设施建设的瓶颈。

    Based on the perspective of the relevant statistics , this paper analyses the investment scale and fund sources of the municipal infrastructures , and holds that investment inadequacy is the bottleneck of the construction of the municipal infrastructures .

  6. 首先,本文使用1987-2007年的相关数据,从外国直接投资的总量、投资来源结构、投资方式、产业投向这四个方面进行分析。

    First , this paper chooses the relevant statistical data from 1987 to 2007 to make analysis from four aspects : the total amount , the source structure , the investment way and the industry distribution of FDI .

  7. 文章第一部分从纺织业投资总量、投资的行业结构、地区结构、投资资金来源结构、国债投资情况几方面对九五纺织投资情况进行了总结,并分析了九五时期我国纺织投资的成绩与问题。

    The first section summarizes amount of textile industry investment , industry structure , region distribution , national debt of textile industry investment in the ninth five-year plan period , meanwhile analyzes achievements and problems .