
  • 网络Investment industry;Investment Property
  1. 为使财政投资产业有效地保值增值,提高财政效率,提出了国有企业保值托管退出(CWPTS)的良性循环管理机制参考模型。

    To maintain and increase these financial investments , and improve financial efficiency , the paper proposes a reference model of the virtuously circular management mechanism for state enterprises capital 's worth preserve trusteeship to secede ( CWPTS ) .

  2. 跨国直接投资产业带动效应的理论分析

    Theoretical Analysis On The Industrial Promoting Effect Of Foreign Direct Investment

  3. 对外直接投资产业选择的思考与建议

    Thinking and Suggestion for Industry Selection of Foreign Direct Investment

  4. 中国投资产业结构的偏差及其调整

    The Deviation and Adjustment of the Chinese Investment Industry Structure

  5. 由于加强了对外商投资产业的引导,有效减少了低水平的重复建设。

    The strengthened guidance for FDI industries has effectively reduced low-level duplicated construction .

  6. 我国企业跨国直接投资产业发展战略选择

    The Selection About Industry Development Strategies of Chinese Enterprises ' International Direct Investment

  7. 属国家鼓励类投资产业,我区重点招商项目,享受区内招商优惠政策。

    The key subjects attracting investment in this area enjoy the preferential policies .

  8. 台商投资产业集聚为现阶段大陆各级政府对台招商引资提供了新的思路。

    Taiwanese industrial centralization offers new thoughts for all levels'government using Taiwanese investment .

  9. 中国公布新的外商投资产业指导目录

    China issues new catalogue for foreign investment

  10. 第三章:“新经济”与中国投资产业结构调整的基本思路。

    Chapter ⅱ: the " New Economy " and Its Enlightenment on the Adjustment of Structure of Investment Industry .

  11. 随着近十年的改革发展,呈现竞争主体多元化、投资产业多元化、客户需求多元化的特点。

    With nearly ten years reform and development , it features diversified competitors , investment industry and customer demand .

  12. 为了增强国际直接投资产业升级效应,必须创造的环境与条件;

    The author believes our environment and conditions should be improved to better the efficiency of the upgrading by FDI .

  13. 根据外商投资产业指导目录及规定,有权发改委的核准通知。

    Approval notice notification from the competent development and Reform Commission in accordance with the Guideline Catalogue of foreign investment industries and the regulations .

  14. 中国外商直接投资产业政策测量和有效性研究:1979~2003

    Our Measurement of China 's Industrial Policy for Foreign Direct Investment and our Study of the Efficiency of this Policy : from 1979 to 2003

  15. 同时,通过国际直接投资产业选择的优化,不仅有利于提升一国的产业整体素质,还有利于增强国家的产业优势。

    The optimization of FDI industrial choice will not only upgrade one country 's overall quality but also will enhance the country 's industrial strength .

  16. 中国已4次修订《外商投资产业指导目录》,不断扩大市场准入,新一轮的目录修订工作已经启动。

    China has also amended the Catalogue for the Guidance of Foreign-Invested Industries four times to broaden market access and a fifth round of amendment has started .

  17. 本文以外商对华直接投资产业结构为研究对象,通过对外商在华投资产业结构现状和特征的描述,揭示了外资产业结构布局存在的主要问题及其生成原因。

    Focusing on the industrial structure of FDI to China , the article reveals chief problems existing there and the causes by describing its present situation and characteristics .

  18. 因此,创业投资产业发展的好坏,直接影响着高新技术产业的发展,影响着国民经济中其他产业部门的技术更新和生产率的提高。

    Therefore , the venture capital industry will have a direct impact on the development of high-tech industries , on the national economy as well as other industries .

  19. 向外商转让上市公司国有股和法人股,应当符合《外商投资产业指导目录》的要求。

    The transfer of State-owned shares and legal person shares in listed companies to foreign investors shall comply with the requirements of the Foreign Investment Industrial Guidance Catalogue .

  20. 本文首先对国内风险投资产业的发展和现状进行了回顾和总结,并结合典型案例,分析国内风险投资存在的问题;

    Firstly , this paper briefly reviews the history and status quo of VC in China , and analyses the current problems in domestic VC from some typical cases .

  21. 制定合理的产业选择基准,是优化我国对外直接投资产业结构,提高我国对外经济活动质量的必要前提。

    Making rational industrial selection criteria is the essential presupposition to optimize the industrial structure of outward foreign direct investment , and to improve the quality of outward economic activity of China .

  22. 因此,单单靠市场这只看不见的手来发展创业投资产业,是决不能满足天津市调整优化经济结构、完成在新世纪中实现跨越式发展的宏伟目标的。

    Therefore , carving out venture capital developed only by marketing , unseen hand , is not enough to adjust and optimize the economic construction and to realize the grand target in Tianjin .

  23. 全文除导论外,共分为五章,约18万字:第一章:投资产业结构调整与经济增长。

    The whole article consists of five chapters besides the chapter of introduction , with total words about of 180, 000.Chapter I : Adjustment of the Structure of Investment Industry and Economic Growth .

  24. 该部分对比分析了日本对华直接投资产业结构演变对我国产业结构的效应影响,旨在尽量扩大正效应、缩小负效应,并在此基础上更好地为我国产业结构升级做贡献。

    According to analysis about the industrial structure effect to china of Japan 's FDI in china , the significance will be brought up to expand the positive effect and in the meanwhile control the passive effect .

  25. 加快投资产业结构调整,促进产业结构优化,实现经济增长方式由粗放型向集约型的根本转变,这是我国在新的世纪实现国民经济持续增长的基本途径。

    For achieving the sustainable development of national economy , it is essential for China to adjust the structure of investment industry , optimize the industry structure , and carry out intensive operations instead of extensive operations to obtain economic growth .

  26. 未来经济发展取决于新经济的发展速度和带动能力,而新经济的成长则依赖于一个成熟发达、充满活力的风险投资产业。

    The economic development of the future is decided by the new economic development speed and its potential impetus , while the growth of the new economy depends on a mature , prosperous and vigorous venture capital ( VC ) industry .

  27. 中国创业投资产业发展较晚,但近年来发展迅速,呈现出募资规模和投资规模持续快速增长、产业投向分布趋于分散化、投资区域较为集中等特征。

    Venture capital industry in China started late , but has developed rapidly in recent years , showing a sustainable and rapid growth in the funds having been raised and investments having been made , industrial diversification of the investment and concentration of investment geographies .

  28. 发展风险投资产业,促进高新技术产业的发展,除了国家宏观政策的扶持外,还应从风险项目的微观处着手,以项目管理知识体系,对风险投资项目进行有效管理是本论文的目标。

    In order to develop high-tech industry , we have to not only ask for support from national polices , but also pay much attention to venture project itself . This thesis aim to study how to manage venture investment effectively on the basis of knowledge of project management .

  29. 我们应结合FDI对中国产业结构的影响,根据十一五时期中国产业结构调整升级的发展方向,加强对外商直接投资的产业导向。

    We should , according to the direction of the industrial structure adjustment in " the 11th five-year plan " period , strengthen the industry direction in which multinational companies invest directly .

  30. 最后分别对这三个区域建立了PANELDATA模型,将能源消费结构、固定资产投资、产业结构、经济体制、居民消费、科学技术创新这六个变量作为影响能源使用效率的因素。

    Then it establishes panel data model in the three regions , thinking energy consumption structure , fixed assets investment , industrial structure , economic system , resident consumption expenditure , science and technology innovation expenditure as six variables which influence energy use efficiency .