
tuō ɡuǎn rén
  • custodian;trustee
  1. 作为国有企业的托管人和成立时间较短的监管机构之一,中国国资委(SASAC)视其职责为确保国有资产不被贱卖。

    The State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission , custodian of state-owned enterprises and one of the newer regulators on the block , regards its role as ensuring state assets are not sold on the cheap .

  2. 我国《证券投资基金法》规定:基金托管人负有保管和监督双重职责。

    Security investment trust fund law regulates that the custodian should .

  3. 托管人在整个QFII运作过程中处于重要地位。

    The trustee plays an important role in operation of QFII .

  4. 托管人不得为QFII开立人民币特殊账户的子账户;

    II . A trustee may not open a sub-account of the special RMB account for a QFII ;

  5. 皮卡德明显是在盯着财力雄厚的公司,因为汇丰、瑞银等托管人的信托责任,要小于推荐马多夫支线基金(feederfunds)的基金经理和销售人员。

    Mr Picard is clearly going after deep pockets since custodians such as HSBC and UBS had lesser fiduciary duties than fund managers or marketers who recommended the Madoff feeder funds .

  6. 除人民币特殊账户外,QFII不得为开展QFII投资业务在其托管人处开立其他账户。

    No other account except the special RMB account may be opened in the bank of the trustee by a QFII for carrying out its investment business .

  7. 由于提出的方案是门限密钥托管方案,所以在所有托管人中当有一个或几个托管人不愿合作或无法合作时,监听机构仍能够通过另外有效的k个托管人去重构会话密钥,从而实施监听。

    Since the proposed RTKES is also threshold key escrow scheme , when an escrow agency or few agencies is not cooperating , monitor agency can easily reconstruct session key to monitor as long as there are other k effective escrow agencies .

  8. 外国银行合格海外机构投资者(QFII)的托管人需要重新申请QDII托管人许可,而本土银行的QFII则自动地获得QDII许可。

    Foreign bank Qualified Foreign Institutional Investors ( QFII ) custodians need to reapply for QDII custodians'approval , whereas local bank QFII automatically qualify for QDII .

  9. 然而,这个规定并不适用于外国的QFII托管人,它们不得不在具有资格申请业务牌照之前申请QDII托管许可。

    However , this rule does not apply to foreign QFII custodians , who have to apply for QDII custodian qualification , before being eligible to apply for a business license .

  10. 据NPR新闻的约翰·伊斯蒂报道,两个项目的年度托管人评估显示,老年医疗信托基金的偿付能力延长了两年。

    As NPR 's John Ydstie reports the annual trustees ' evaluation of the two programs shows the solvency of the Medicare Trust Fund has been extended for two years .

  11. 由于此案索偿金额达数十亿美元,而目前追回的资产只有约9.4亿美元,托管人埃尔文•皮卡德(IrvingPicard)必须指望从提前撤资的投资者手中索回资金,以供赔偿之需。

    With billions in claims and only about $ 940m in recovered assets , Irving Picard , the trustee , must rely on money from investors who cashed out early as a source of restitution .

  12. 这部分主要论述我国QDII中具体实施的法律制度,包括市场准入制度、托管人制度、信息披露制度、外汇管制制度以及投资者权益保护制度。

    This part focuses on the specific implementation of QDII in China , including the market access system , the trustee system , information disclosure system , foreign exchange control system and the system of investor protection .

  13. 该协议是托管人埃尔文皮卡德(IrvingPicard)达成的第一个大型和解协议。皮卡德要求马多夫的投资合伙人归还在其供认运营庞氏骗局之前撤回的资金。

    The deal is the first big settlement for Irving Picard , the trustee , in his quest to get investment partners of Mr Madoff to return money they withdrew from his investment business before he confessed to running a Ponzi scheme .

  14. 商业银行作为独立的第三方资金托管人。

    Commercial banks act as an independent third-party funds custodian .

  15. 基金经理与基金管理人之间是雇佣合同关系,与基金托管人之间是托管合同关系,与基金持有人之间是委托合同关系。

    The relations between fund manager and fund shareholders are entrustment relations .

  16. 被那个贪婪的托管人牵连而已。

    A victim of a trustee whose greed got the trust prosecuted .

  17. 你应该会收到来自第三方托管人的帐户报表。

    You should receive account statements from a third-party custodian .

  18. 变更境外受托人、境内托管人或者境外托管代理人的;

    Change of its overseas trustee , domestic custodian or overseas escrow agent ;

  19. 人们对我国托管人制度的合理性和有效性也产生了质疑。

    There are doubts about the reasonableness and effectiveness of Chinese trustee system .

  20. 我国基金托管人监督职责问题研究

    A Study on Supervision Responsibility of Chinese Trust Custodian

  21. 不过,约翰逊认为,家族成员可以成为有效的共同托管人。

    Still , Ms Johnson believes that family members can be effective co-trustees .

  22. 大型银行大多是存款接收者、资产托管人或基金管理人。

    Large banks mostly held deposits or were asset custodians and fund administrators .

  23. 当我们成为朋友后,我变成了他们的托管人

    As we became friends , I became their trustee

  24. 法院指定一名破产财产托管人以管理债务人的财产。

    The court appointed a bankruptcy trustee to administer the property a debtor .

  25. (三)与托管人签订的托管协议草案;

    Draft Custody Agreement signed with its expected custodian ;

  26. 不言而喻,托尼也是他的托管人。

    It is understood that Tony is his co-trustee .

  27. 论我国契约型基金托管人法律制度的完善

    Study on the Improvement of Legal System of Contractual Fund Custodian in China

  28. 托管人对外出打工者子女个性的影响

    Influence of custodian on the personality of children whose parents are away for work

  29. 破产财产托管人:是指由法院指定的管理破产了的公司或者个人的事务的托管人。

    Court-appointed trustee who will administer the affairs of a bankrupt company or individual .

  30. 则他可决定该人不适合担任幼儿托管人。

    He may determine the person to be unsuited to act as a childminder .