
  • 网络ING;ING Bank
  1. 但是正如荷兰商业银行(INGBANK)分析师所指出的那样,这样的讲话为国际投资者提供了关键暗示。

    But as ING analysts point out , the rhetoric has key implications for international investors .

  2. 荷兰商业银行分析师说,德国人是不是想要等到出现债券拍卖失败、希腊与非公开配售以及银团贷款彻底无缘后才肯准备拿出救助方案呢?

    Is Germany waiting for a failed bond auction and Greece being shut out of private placements and syndicated deals before being prepared to participate in a package ? , ' ask the ING analysts .