
  • 网络KDB;The Korea Development Bank;Korean Development Bank
  1. 雷曼分拆处境最为困难的资产,这种前景还可能重新燃起韩国产业银行等潜在投资者的兴趣。

    The prospect of a spin-off of Lehman 's most troubled assets could also revive interest from potential investors such as KDB .

  2. 有关该谈判失败的传言昨日得到了韩国产业银行的证实。受这些传言影响,雷曼的股价在本周二暴跌了45%。

    Rumours of the collapse of the negotiations , which were confirmed by KDB yesterday , had sent Lehman 's shares plunging 45 per cent on Tuesday .

  3. 具有25年世界银行(WorldBank)工作经验的德国人约阿希姆冯阿姆斯贝格(JoachimvonAmsberg)将担任亚投行掌管政策和战略的副行长,韩国产业银行(KoreaDevelopmentBank)董事长兼首席执行官洪起泽(KyttackHong)将掌管亚投行的风险组合。

    Joachim von Amsberg , a German with 25 years experience at the World Bank , will be vice president for policy and strategy while Kyttack Hong , chairman and chief executive of Korea Development Bank , will hold the risk portfolio .

  4. 韩国产业银行表示,它将最快在下周筹集大约10亿美元,以帮助正苦于应对美元短缺的小公司得到出口融资。

    The Korea Development Bank said it would raise about $ 1bn as early as next week to help small companies , struggling with a shortage of dollars , to finance exports .

  5. 韩方讨论了一个分两步走的计划,即韩国产业银行将直接从雷曼兄弟购买25%的股份,其余25%则通过市场要约收购来完成。

    The Korean side discussed a two-step process under which KDB would buy a 25 per cent stake directly from Lehman and another 25 per cent of the company 's shares through a market tender .

  6. 同时,应该采取韩国产业银行的经营模式,对其政策性业务和商业性金融业务进行混合经营,并成立不同的业务部门进行经营、分账管理。

    At the same time , China Development Bank should adopt the management mode of Korea Development Bank , and do the policy financial business and commercial financial business in different departments and accounts . 3 .

  7. 韩国位列第二,发债额达到35亿美元,包括韩国产业银行(KoreaDevelopmentBank)昨日宣布的10亿美元。

    South Korea was next with $ 3.5bn , including $ 1bn announced yesterday by the Korea Development Bank .

  8. 韩国金融服务委员会(fsc)主席全光宇(junkwangwoo)对记者表示,他得知韩国产业银行正在考虑收购一家全球投资银行的可能性。

    Jun kwang-woo , chairman of the Financial Services Commission , told reporters he was aware that KDB was considering the possibility of buying a global investment bank .