
  • 网络Toral;tolar;Jon Toral;Frantisek Rajtoral
  1. 托拉尔也被称为互联网的“传道者”,这不无道理。

    Toral is also called an Internet " evangelist ," for good reason .

  2. 在托拉尔迷上电脑的时候,还没多少人拥有电脑。

    Toral became fascinated with computers at a time when not many people owned them .

  3. 在20世纪80年代中期,托拉尔通过自修和在电脑学校学习了电脑语言和编程。

    In the mid-1980s , Toral studied computer languages and programs on her own and in computer schools .

  4. 然而,托拉尔认为最能代表她的特征社会企业家的名称并没用在她的简历介绍中。

    However , the term Toral believes characterizes her best social entrepreneur is not among those used in her profiles .

  5. 托拉尔认为她最大的成就这一点得到信息技术产业其他领导人的大力肯定尚不圆满。

    Toral views her greatest accomplishment , on which she received solid backing from other IT leaders , as somewhat incomplete .

  6. 为了帮助推广这一概念,托拉尔自己出资聘请印度的认证培训教师,并游说政府支持这一概念。

    To help spread the idea , Toral used her own money to hire certified trainers from India and lobbied the government to lend its support to the concept .

  7. 至于那些即将离开的工人,乔治亚州农业综合委员会负责人,布莱恩•托拉尔称,“我不知道他们是否合法,我只知道他们以前在这里工作。”

    As for the departing workers , Bryan Tolar , who heads the Georgia Agribusiness Council , says , " I don 't know if they were legal . All I know is they were working . "