
tuō bǎn
  • Bracket;fascia;couch;layer board
托板[tuō bǎn]
  1. 改进型U形柱支撑球罐与加托板的支柱支撑球罐应力状态对比分析

    Stress Status Comparison of Spherical Tanks Support by Modified U-Shape Columns and Columns with Smaller U-Shape Plate at Underside

  2. FRP箱梁与混凝土板组合梁抗弯承载力计算托板支承无梁楼板结构

    On the bend supporting capacity calculation of FRP box girder and the concrete slab combination beam

  3. SDX大托板速冻隧道线的设计

    The Design of the SDX Big Splint Freeze Tunnel Line

  4. 本文介绍了SDX大托板速冻隧道线的结构特点,工作原理及主要部件的结构设计。

    This paper introduces the structural characteristics working principle and main parts structural and control design of the SDX big splint freeze tunnel line .

  5. 其二通过对转向架弹簧托板成形的数值模拟研究证明了模拟技术在产品工艺性审查中的成功应用,其中FLD曲线是判断工件顺利成形的主要手段。

    Numerical simulation study on bogie spring support plate forming demonstrates successful application of simulation technology in product procedure review , FLD curve is the major means of judging smooth forming of the part .

  6. 运用X~2优化参数估计法确定应力分布类型和分布参数,得到提速货车转K4转向架弹簧托板应力分布规律。

    By using of the method of parameter estimation , the distribution type and parameter of dynamic stress of spring plank was fixed on . The distribution of dynamic stress was obtained .

  7. 利用FLAC软件进行了全长锚杆锚固效应的数值模拟研究,其结果为深入进行锚杆托板效应分析与锚杆支护工程设计等提供了参考,具有一定的理论意义。

    Using FLAC software , simulating analysis of anchoring function of total-length anchor is carried out . The result of analysis can be taken for reference in study of function of support plate for anchor and in design of anchor support system .

  8. 使用I-DEAS软件对弹簧托板进行静强度分析,然后用FE-Fatigue对弹簧托板疲劳寿命进行估算,并提出了关于寿命计算的几点看法。

    The I DEAS software is used to make the static strength analysis for spring planks , then the FE Fatigue is used to make estimation on the fatigue service life of spring planks , and several viewpoints on the calculation of service life are given .

  9. 全长锚固锚杆的托板效应用钢板折叠成的建筑

    Effects of the backing plate of a wholly grouted rock bolt

  10. 顶板托板存在对采空区充水系数的影响

    Roof bolt plate influenced to water filling coefficient in mine goaf

  11. 钢承托板的强度和屈曲承载力的研究

    A Study on the Strength and Buckling Load of Steel Bracket Plates

  12. 网带式托板型电阻炉的技术改进

    Technique Improvement of Splint Drive Style Mesh Belt Resistance Furnace

  13. 钛合金双耳托板自锁螺母的研制

    Development of Self-locking Nut with Anchor of Two-lug Made of Ti Alloy

  14. 带托板的现浇混凝土空心板-柱结构分析方法

    Analysis Method for Cast-in-situ Concrete Hollow-slab Column Structures with Drop-panels

  15. 锚杆托板的合理结构与支护效果研究

    Study on the Rational Structure and Supporting Effect of Rock Bolt Plate

  16. 高抗热震性托板材料的研究及应用

    Research and application of kiln furniture with good resistance to thermal shock

  17. 托板式双层加筋平板的水下声辐射

    Acoustic radiation from infinite stiffened double-plate interconnected by elastic bars

  18. 用托板法治理岩溶塌陷区的基础沉降

    Regulation of foundation settlement of karst collapse region by using plate stock

  19. 在托板下面安装有一串算珠。

    A string of abacus beads are arranged below the supporting board .

  20. 托板支承无梁楼板结构钢管空心板无梁楼盖结构体系的应用

    Application of the Hollow Steel-tube Slab Beamless Floor Structure System

  21. 覆岩中托板的控制作用与形式浅探

    Talking about control action and formation of support plate in cover rock

  22. 全锚锚杆托板效应的数值模拟分析

    Simulating analysis of function of support plate for anchor

  23. 高性能窑车托板材料的研制

    Research and Application of Kiln Furniture with High Performance

  24. 摆动式货车转向架弹簧托板刚度对其动力学性能的影响

    Spring plank stiffness influence of swing bogie freight car on its dynamics performances

  25. 托板对全长锚固锚杆内力的影响

    The influences of bearing plate on the internal force of overall reinforced bolts

  26. 托板法治理地基塌陷时的沉降观测

    The Settlement Observation of Bring Foundation Collapse Under Control by Blate Stock Method

  27. 连续大面积开采托板控制岩层变形模式的研究

    Study of deformation model of a controlling holding-plate when large area is extracted continuously

  28. 通过煤矿用托板加工工艺的分析,确定了冲压工艺流程。

    Through analysis of the quill , the stamping process flow has been determined .

  29. 基于有限元的弹簧托板疲劳寿命分析

    Analysis on Fatigue Service Life of Spring Planks on the Basis of Finite Elements

  30. 锚杆托板的设计与合理选型

    To Design and Rational Choose Model Bolt Pallet