
  • 网络Laying in the same trench;laying in one ditch
  1. 长输管道与通信光缆的同沟敷设

    Laying of optic fibre communication cable with long distance pipeline in one ditch

  2. 光缆与油气管线同沟敷设过程质量控制

    Process Quality Control in Laying Optical Cable and Oil-Gas Pipeline in One Ditch

  3. 天然气高中压管道同沟敷设施工技术

    Construction Technique for Burying High and Medium Pressure Pipe for Natural Gas in Same Ditch

  4. 油气管线同沟敷设温度场的测试及分析

    Determination and Analysis of the Temperature-Field of Oil and Gas Pipelines Laid in the Same Trench

  5. 施工结果表明:同沟敷设与另行直埋通信光缆相比,可节省40%的资金,施工质量达到了设计要求。

    It shows that 40 % costs could be saved by one ditch method comparing with separate laying method .

  6. 在高电阻率的石方段采用伴随管道同沟敷设的柔性辅助阳极;

    In stonework segment with high resistivity , flexible auxiliary anode buried in the same ditch with the pipeline is used ;

  7. 同沟敷设管道中成品油管道和原油管道间的传热对原油管道的运行有一定的影响。

    The heat transmission of products pipeline along with hot crude pipeline in one ditch has some effects on the operation of crude oil pipeline .

  8. 黑河是西部管道工程采用大开挖方式穿越的距离最长的河流,原油与成品油管道采用同沟敷设方式穿越该河流。

    West Pipeline crossing Heihe River is the longest crossing project by a large excavation way and the method of laying both crude oil pipeline and products pipeline in a single trench .