
  1. 同步推送系统模糊控制的在线学习

    Online Learning of Fuzzy Controller in Synchronism Pushing System

  2. 以下示例启动合并代理以同步推送订阅。

    The following example starts the Merge Agent to synchronize a push subscription .

  3. 简要介绍了信息推送服务的技术和方式,以及在数字图书馆中利用手机短信平台实现提醒信息的同步推送服务。

    The paper described briefly the information push technology and the reasons to use the short message service for sending library announcements .

  4. 针对时滞Hopfield神经网络系统参数未知的情况,将自适应技术和系统辨识技术应用于该系统的混沌滞后同步,推导出系统参数未知时混沌滞后同步的充分条件,得到了系统中未知参数的估计公式。

    By applying the adaptive technique and system identification technique to chaos lag synchronization issue of delayed Hopfield neural networks with uncertain parameters , a sufficient condition for chaos lag synchronization is derived , and the parameter estimation law is obtained .

  5. 本文用运动学和动力学同步测试手段对手推抛后空翻屈体两周下动作进行了研究与分析。

    This article , by using the kinematical and dynamical means , studies and analysed the exercise of " Hand Throw Push and Double Back Off With Body Bent " .