
  • 网络IR viewer
  1. 针对CCD器件对1.06μm激光信号探测的难点,提出了利用红外变像管加CCD摄像机的二次光电成像方法。

    It is known that 1.06 μ m laser are hard to detect with a CCD camera . To solve this problem , this paper proposes a twice imaging method that combine IR image tube with CCD camera to detect 1.06 μ m laser .

  2. 论红外变像管积分灵敏度的标准(上)

    The Standard for Infrared Sensitivity of Image - Converter Tube ( First part )

  3. 一种新型红外扫描变像管

    Novel infrared - sensitive streak image tube

  4. 这种新型红外扫描变像管的波长响应范围可延伸至800~1600nm,转换效率的峰值波长为1165nm,时间分辨率优于15ps。

    The novel infrared-sensitive streak image tube is able to extend spectral sensitivity to 800 ~ 1600 nm . The peak value of the converting efficiency is located at 1165 nm . Time resolution is superior to 15 ps.

  5. 论述红外二级串联变像管第二级屏工艺中硝棉有机膜的配方及工艺。

    The formulation and technology of nitrocotton organic film on the second-stage screen in two-stage series IR image converter tube are described .

  6. 主动式红外夜视仪的可靠性主要决定于红外变像管,而红外变像管的可靠性和工作寿命则决定于红外光电阴极&半透明银氧铯光电阴极的性能和寿命。

    The reliability of infrared night vision apparatus is mainly dependent upon the characteristics and life-time of photocathode of image-converter tube .

  7. 介绍了一种采用组合红外阴极和静电聚焦电子光学系统的新型红外扫描变像管。

    A novel infrared-sensitive streak image tube with a combined infrared photocathode and electrostatics focused electronic optical system is described .