
  • 网络jujube wine
  1. 结果表明:红枣酒实验组小鼠血清总胆固醇和甘油三脂均较高血脂对照组明显下降,说明红枣酒具有降血脂保健作用;高密度脂蛋白含量两组无显著差异,其机理有待进一步研究。

    The results showed : the content of TC and TG of the Jujube wine group decreased significantly than the model group , so the jujube wine has the function of decreasing blood lipids ; About the content of HDL-C , it needs further study . 5 .

  2. 利用高脂乳剂建立高血脂症模型,通过测定小鼠血清总胆固醇、甘油三脂和高密度脂蛋白胆固醇含量,研究红枣酒的降血脂作用。

    Set up high blood lipids model by measuring the content of TC 、 TG and HDL-C to study the function of decreasing blood lipids of the jujube wine .

  3. 红枣酒生产工艺研究

    Study on the Processing Technology of Jujube Dates Fermented Wine

  4. 得到后的原酒经过勾兑即得红枣酒。

    The jujube wine was gained through mixing after clarifying .

  5. 安琪牌葡萄酒活性干酵母在红枣酒酿造中的应用

    Application of Angel Brand Grape Wine Active Dry Yeast in the Production of Jujube Wine

  6. 经过烘烤和皂土澄清,红枣酒具有浓郁的枣香和良好的稳定性。

    The wine had strong jujube aroma produced by roast and good stability with clarified bentonite .

  7. 所以长期饮用红枣酒可以起到延缓身体衰老的功效3.通过建立血虚模型,测定小鼠的血红细胞数与血红蛋白含量,研究红枣酒的补血功能。

    Set up blood-insufficiency model by determining the number of RBC and the content of Hb of the Jujube wine to study its function .

  8. 陈酿降低了红枣酒中甲醇和杂醇油的含量,用橡木桶贮酒效果最好。

    Post fermentation can decreases the content of methanol and fusel oil in wine , and the oak oval is the best container for wine .

  9. 配制型红枣保健酒的研制

    Preparation of formulated red date health wine

  10. 研究了提高红枣发酵酒的质量的主要工艺和参数。

    The main processes and parameters to improve the quality of Chinese jujube fermentation wine were studied .

  11. 采用干枣和鲜枣作为酿酒原料进行发酵比较研究,发现干枣生产的枣酒色泽诱人,品质上乘,具突出的典型性,因此,红枣发酵酒理想的酿酒原料是干枣。

    Dried Chinese dates is the best raw material of jujube dates fermented wine . It renders the wine attractive colour , high quality and distinguished characters .

  12. 红枣保健酒不仅营养价值高,风味独特,而且还具有保健作用,是适合人们保健需要的新型饮品。

    Red date health wine , which not only has higher nutritive value and special flavor , but also has health function , is a kind of new-type beverage that can meets the needs of people .

  13. 为充分利用红枣资源,开发了红枣保健酒。

    In order to fully utilize red date resource , red date health wine has been developed .