
hónɡ shāo ròu
  • braised pork in brown sauce;soy-braised pork
红烧肉 [hóng shāo ròu]
  • [pork braised in brown sauce] 利用红烧的办法烹调的猪肉

  1. 机械化生产高品质红烧肉

    Mechanization in Producing Good Quality Stewed Pork with Brown Sauce

  2. 红烧肉风味形成途径探讨

    Discussion on the Ways of Flavour Development in Stewed Pork with Brown Sauce

  3. 红烧肉。就像潘所说的,这些菜既不油腻也不过甜。

    As Pan had said , none of this was oily or overly sweet .

  4. 可以搭配红烧肉,野味烧烤,冷冻肉和乳酪。

    It is delicious served with red meat , game meat , cold meats or cheese .

  5. 北京烤鸭,红烧肉,牛扒,火鸡等。适合口感浓重的菜肴。

    Beijingroast duck , braised pork , steak , turkey , etc * Suitable for heavy flavor dishes .

  6. 灌装封口后,罐头经过连续洗罐、装笼、杀菌和保温库检查等过程,成功生产出了高品质红烧肉。

    After canned stewed pork with brown sauce was cleaned , basketed , sterilized and incubated , we succeed in producing good quality stewed pork with brown sauce .

  7. 然后是火腿清蒸鲥鱼;酱烧八宝(一道由多种肉和辣酱汁烧制的菜);红烧肉。

    Then steamed river shad with ham ; saut é ed Ba Bao , a mixed meat dish with spicy soy sauce ; and dark cubes of pork in a thick , delicious sauce .

  8. 最著名的当数外婆红烧肉,肥瘦均匀的肉装在特制的大瓦罐内,酥软适中,入口即溶。

    The most well known dish is nothing but Grandmother pork braised in brown sauce that a well-marbled roast of meat is packed in a big special pottery jar and it is crumbly and delicious .

  9. 因此,良好的红烧肉风味是在烹调过程中对诸多因素适当控制,使其中多种组分在数量上微妙平衡的结果。

    So we say that the delicious flavor of stewed pork with brown sauce may be achieved only when we are able to control these factors properly and make the different compositions delicately balanced in quantity .

  10. 法郎克:是上等牛肉。我要弄红脍牛肉作晚餐。他买了块后暸肉,肥瘦合宜,正好做红烧肉。

    Frank : It 's best beef . I 'm preparing goulash for supper . He bought a piece of haunch meat with neither too much fat nor muscle . it was suitable to cook bouilli .

  11. 我们南方的粽子大多呈完美的金字塔形,形状饱满,里面裹着栗子、一个咸蛋黄、分量十足的肥肉、红烧肉、海米和一朵味道浓郁的香菇。

    Our southern rice dumplings were fat , perfect pyramids stuffed with chestnuts , a single salted egg yolk , lots of fat , soy sauce-seasoned pork , dried shrimps and an intensely fragrant dried mushroom .

  12. 如果他们在烤箱而非锅里面做经典的红烧肉,或者像在西餐学校里学的那样先煎肉,那么就改变了这道菜的味道、口感,以及所有食材相互作用的方式。

    When they braise the classic red-cooked pork in the oven instead of in a wok , he said , or if they sear the meat first , the way they are taught in Western cooking schools , it changes the flavor , the mouthfeel and how everything works together .

  13. 其中一份列有惯常的英-粤菜式菜肴,包括「柠檬鸡」和「香酥鸭」,另一份提供了在首都(伦敦)可以获得的地道湖南菜,如“「炒香辣鱼」”和“「毛氏红烧肉」”。

    They have one list of the usual Anglo-Canto suspects , including lemon chicken and crispy duck , and another offering some of the most authentic Hunanese food available in the capital , with dishes such as " stir-fried fragrant and hot fish " and " steamed belly pork , Chairman Mao-style . "

  14. 红烧海狸鼠肉的最佳配比为:酱油5%、糖6%、料酒4%。

    Soup braise Nutria meat : Sauce 5 % , sugar 6 % , cooking wine 4 % .