
  • 网络red berry
  1. 味道复杂,伴有覆盆子和其他红色浆果的味道。单宁柔和,回味悠长。

    A complex rich palate , driven by raspberry and other red berry flavours , combines with soft tannins to offer a nice persistency .

  2. 往往中等至浓郁,并与最低之间的差异老式年,葡萄酒往往是装有黑穗醋栗,树莓和其他红色浆果的风味。

    Invariably medium to full bodied and with minimum variation between vintage years , the wine is often loaded with black currant , raspberry and other red berry flavors .

  3. 细叶小檗(Berberispoiretiischneid)之红色浆果,经压榨得鲜果汁。采用醋酸铅沉淀,正丁醇提取的纯化方法,得到纯化色素。

    The red pigments from the fruits of Berberis poiretii schneid were purified by lead acetate precipitation and n-butanol extraction .

  4. 红色浆果,黑醋栗,樱桃,悬钩子酱味。

    Red fruit , blackcurrants , cherries , raspberry jam .

  5. 杜松子是一种生有紫红色浆果的常绿灌木。

    The juniper is a type of evergreen bush with purple berries .

  6. 北美的一种落叶灌木或小乔木,叶明显三裂,结红色浆果。

    Deciduous North American shrub or small tree having three-lobed leaves and red berries .

  7. 可吃的紫色或红色浆果。

    Edible purple or red berries .

  8. 他轻快地跳上车,理好缰绳,就从两行高大的结着红色浆果的树篱中间走了。

    He leapt up lightly , arranged the reins , and was gone between the tall red-berried hedges .

  9. 当他们来到那个红色浆果的灌木林的时候,驯鹿正在那儿等着他们。

    And when they reached the bush with the red berries , they found the Reindeer waiting for them .

  10. 美洲商陆的黑红色浆果产于北美及欧亚大陆温带的一个陆生兰花小属。

    The blackish-red berry of the pokeweed . small genus of terrestrial orchids of North America and temperate Eurasia .

  11. 香味:馥郁的红色浆果及巧克力香中带有丝丝辛辣的绿胡椒香。

    Aroma : Full rich red fruit aromas of cherry jam , peppery spicy with sweet green pepper not .

  12. 强烈且果味香浓的香气,带有红色浆果、甘草、胡椒和香草味。

    The nose is intense and fruity , with hints of red berries , cut hay , pepper and vanilla .

  13. 北美洲和欧亚大陆北部常绿垫子形状的灌木,有小白花和红色浆果;叶子在秋天变红。

    Evergreen mat-forming shrub of North America and northern Eurasia having small white flowers and red berries ; leaves turn red in autumn .

  14. 这种树长有像血一样绚丽的红色浆果,可在南美、欧洲和中东的部分地区找到。

    This tree has gorgeous blood red berries and can be found throughout North America , Europe and parts of the Middle East .

  15. 一种攀缘植物,成熟时结黑红色浆果;产于印度南部和斯里兰卡;引种于缅甸和阿萨姆邦。

    Climber having dark red berries ( peppercorns ) when fully ripe ; southern India and Sri Lanka ; naturalized in North Burma and Assam .

  16. 香气充盈着柔顺、清逸的野生红色浆果气息,如黑莓、樱桃,入口后在口中也能保持着长时间的平衡香气。

    Its wild red fruitaromas of blackberry and raspberry are unique to its soft fruity freshness and leave a long and elegant taste in mouth .

  17. 此出色葡萄酒是从新南威尔士州中部地区种植的最好的葡萄酿制的,味道清淡,略带辛辣,胡椒及覆盆子香味,喝起来是新鲜红色浆果和纯正橡木味。

    This outstanding wine produced from the finest grapes grown in the Central Ranges NSW is light and spicy , pepper and raspberries , the palate has fresh red berry fruit and firm oak .

  18. “持久,美貌,日常”的色调-尽管不知道一共会有多少种颜色-这个系列会包括大胆,丰富的红色,浆果和棕色,非常适合秋冬季节,所以毫不奇怪它们会被用于Zara2018秋季女装宣传册的拍摄里。

    The " long-lasting , spectacular , ready-to-wear " shades - however many of them there many truly be - include bold , rich reds , berries , and browns that are perfect for fall and winter , so it 's no surprise that they were used on the models for the AW18 Zara Woman campaign shoot .

  19. 北美的一种落叶灌木,因其大量的一簇簇珊瑚红色类似浆果的果实而被栽培。

    North American deciduous shrub cultivated for it abundant clusters of coral-red berrylike fruits .

  20. 欧洲的一种生命力很强的、落叶的乔木状灌木,通常沿路边生长;红色的浆果可变成黑色。

    Vigorous deciduous European treelike shrub common along waysides ; red berries turn black .

  21. 常绿灌木,红色杯状浆果,扁平针叶。

    Any of numerous evergreen trees or shrubs having red cup-shaped berries and flattened needlelike leaves .

  22. 欧洲的一种小落叶灌木,花芳香、淡紫色,有毒的嫩枝上结有红色的浆果。

    Small European deciduous shrub with fragrant lilac-colored flowers followed by red berries on highly toxic twigs .

  23. 常绿灌木,红色杯状浆果,扁平针叶。劈裂灌浆改善土坝坝体应力状态研究

    Any of numerous evergreen trees or shrubs having red cup-shaped berries and flattened needlelike leaves . Improvement of Stress in Earth Dam by Splitting Grouting

  24. 但是虽然亮红色的浆果无毒,它的树皮和种子却因杀害大量家畜并对人类致命而出名。

    But while the bright red berries themselves aren 't poisonous , the bark , seeds and leaves are known for decimating livestock and can also be deadly to humans .

  25. 野棕榈猫在夜间捕食时,会挑选绯红色的浆果(阿拉比卡品种和罗布斯塔品种的组成成分)作为主食野禽和其它小动物的配菜。

    Wild palm civets select crimson cherries – they are partial to both arabica and robusta varieties – as a side dish to their staple diet of fowl and other small animals during their nocturnal forays for food .

  26. 几种酸的红色和黑色浆果,主要用于做果冻和果酱。

    Any of several tart red or black berries used primarily for jellies and jams .

  27. 颜色:深红色香味:浆果味,水果香味。(加调味剂的)苏打汽水

    Colour : Strong carmine Bouquet : Berry-like , fruity . fizzy drink made with flavoured soda-water

  28. 旧大陆的一种落叶的灌木,有白色的花簇和鲜红色的小浆果。

    Deciduous thicket-forming Old World shrub with clusters of white flowers and small bright red berries .

  29. 美国太平洋沿岸的一种观赏性常绿乔木状灌木,花大、白色,果实红色、类似浆果常归入石楠属。

    Ornamental evergreen treelike shrub of United States Pacific coast having large white flowers and red berrylike fruits ; often placed in genus photinia .

  30. 欧洲灌木,白色或玫瑰红色花冠,黑色浆果。

    European shrub with white or rosy flowers followed by black berries .